Activity: 103
Merit: 0
February 25, 2019, 01:33:05 PM |
Thanks, but Error: No coin profile find for coin AUTO192_7

Activity: 473
Merit: 18
February 25, 2019, 02:41:20 PM |
0.7 issues: AUTO192_7 - not working (profile not found, others already posted above) AUTO144_5 - not working with NiceHash lolMiner.exe --pool zhash.eu.nicehash.com --port 3369 --user XXX.X--pass x --devices 0 --apiport 4028 --digits 2 --longstats 60 --shortstats 5 --connectattempts 3 --tls 0 --coin AUTO144_5 +---------------------------------------------------------+ | _ _ __ __ _ ___ _____ | | | | ___ | | \/ (_)_ __ ___ _ __ / _ \|___ | | | | |/ _ \| | |\/| | | '_ \ / _ \ '__| | | | | / / | | | | (_) | | | | | | | | | __/ | | |_| | / / | | |_|\___/|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|\___|_| \___(_)_/ | | | | | | This software is for mining Equihash | | 150/5: Beam 96/5: MNX 210/9: Aion | | 192/7: ZER, GENX, SAFE, VDL | | 144/5: BTG, ZEL and many more | | | | | | Made by Lolliedieb, February 2019 | +---------------------------------------------------------+ Warning: No user profile defined in command line (--profile <profileName> missing) Using only DEFAULT section and command line input Reading pool data from command line lolMiner is configured to mine Pool Selection(AUTO144_5), Equihash 144/5
Setup Miner... Device 0: Name: Radeon RX 580 Series Address: 1:0 Vendor: Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Memory: 8192 MByte (8138 MByte free) Active: true (Selected kernel: Equihash 144/5 AMD)
Connecting to pool... Connected to zhash.eu.nicehash.com:3369 (TLS disabled) Subscribed to stratum server Warning: index out of bounds Lost connection to stratum server zhash.eu.nicehash.com:3369 or server not reachable. Trying to connect in 3 seconds Connected to zhash.eu.nicehash.com:3369 (TLS disabled) Lost connection to stratum server zhash.eu.nicehash.com:3369 or server not reachable. Trying to connect in 3 seconds Connected to zhash.eu.nicehash.com:3369 (TLS disabled) Lost connection to stratum server zhash.eu.nicehash.com:3369 or server not reachable.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
February 25, 2019, 07:19:48 PM |
нe зaпycкaeтcя мaйнep. Зaпycкaeтcя и cpaзy зaкpывaтьcя, пoтoм лoгax винды тaкaя нaдпиcь, гpeшy нa дpaйвepa. кapтa rx480 4gb дpaйвepa 18.12.3 Имя cбoйнoгo пpилoжeния: lolMiner.exe, вepcия:, мeткa вpeмeни: 0x5c73ab8a Имя cбoйнoгo мoдyля: amdocl64.dll, вepcия: 25.20.15003.5010, мeткa вpeмeни: 0x5c184c0e Кoд иcключeния: 0xc0000005 Cмeщeниe oшибки: 0x000000000032c6ba Идeнтификaтop cбoйнoгo пpoцecca: 0x10c0 Bpeмя зaпycкa cбoйнoгo пpилoжeния: 0x01d4cd3b14909678 Пyть cбoйнoгo пpилoжeния: D:\nhm_windows\bin_3rdparty\lolMinerBEAM\lolMiner.exe Пyть cбoйнoгo мoдyля: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\c0337288.inf_amd64_3c3211f00f323cb5\B337205\amdocl64.dll Идeнтификaтop oтчeтa: 61b8025e-18b1-4819-ae59-c84b5b871954 Пoлнoe имя cбoйнoгo пaкeтa: Кoд пpилoжeния, cвязaннoгo co cбoйным пaкeтoм:
Jr. Member
Activity: 195
Merit: 4
February 26, 2019, 02:19:05 AM |
Seems like we are having some issues with 1927.... I cannot load miner via command line for 1927... Reverted back to 0.6 for now on 1927.

Activity: 825
Merit: 18
MindMiner developer
February 26, 2019, 06:46:13 AM |
MindMiner - miner manager programm with autoswitch between Algos&Pools. This isnt a fork based on MultiPoolMiner (Nemos, SniffDog, Mega, NPlus & etc)
Jr. Member
Activity: 195
Merit: 4
February 27, 2019, 12:00:43 PM |
Hello, any update on this issue?
Thanks in advance...
Activity: 304
Merit: 0
March 01, 2019, 12:46:56 AM |
Guys, Just doned an fresh install of windows and install the 1809 ver. I was in old working good version 1709 and wanted to refresh.  When im mining with lol, srb or other miner , if i bloq the copmputer after a while computer restarts.. wtf? I install first last amd driver and 18.6.1 and the symptom is the same.. never happened this, and im using an single gpu on my desktop pc  Now i catch the BSOD and appears: whea uncorrectable error Now i disable the turn monitor off after x minutes and seems work. What should i look?
Activity: 81
Merit: 0
March 02, 2019, 09:39:48 AM |
who knows about this. one card making this. its on riser,to the 16x slot.?
Default Radeon WattMan settings have been restored due to unexpected system".
Lolliedieb (OP)
March 02, 2019, 11:57:11 AM Last edit: March 02, 2019, 12:07:49 PM by Lolliedieb |
Oh ... was not aware of AUTO problems ... I will check and report back asap.
Made a mistake with AUTO192_7, its missing indeed. Will correct this in next version. AUTO144_5 just connected with NiceHash, that seems to work as it should do.
Check out lolMiner 1.56, an efficient miner for Ethash, Beam and many Cuckoo-Cycle and Equihash variants for AMD & Nvidia cards at low fees.

Activity: 473
Merit: 18
March 02, 2019, 04:37:03 PM |
Oh ... was not aware of AUTO problems ... I will check and report back asap.
Made a mistake with AUTO192_7, its missing indeed. Will correct this in next version. AUTO144_5 just connected with NiceHash, that seems to work as it should do.
Something is not working with NiceHash: Maybe its a windows only problem, or something else, but here is a screenshot of version 0.7 NOT working while 0.6 is working fine at the same time and with the same parameters http://prntscr.com/msao42
Lolliedieb (OP)
March 02, 2019, 04:46:53 PM |
Ah, thx, that helps a lot! I got an idea why - will fix soon.
Check out lolMiner 1.56, an efficient miner for Ethash, Beam and many Cuckoo-Cycle and Equihash variants for AMD & Nvidia cards at low fees.
Jr. Member
Activity: 155
Merit: 6
March 03, 2019, 08:44:41 PM |
where is the windows version of 0.7.1? Only see linux download.

Activity: 952
Merit: 17
March 03, 2019, 08:47:44 PM |
where is the windows version of 0.7.1? Only see linux download.
it's work in progress.
Activity: 55
Merit: 0
March 03, 2019, 09:44:59 PM |
how do i update my lolminer into hives os?
March 04, 2019, 10:45:15 AM Last edit: March 04, 2019, 11:08:45 AM by laik2 |
Hello everyone, Here are some benchmarks with rocm optimized assembly kernels on our OS with single Vega64. [2019-03-04 13:03:12][info][miner]: Device 0: [2019-03-04 13:03:12][info][miner]: Name: Vega 10 XL/XT [Radeon RX Vega 56/64] [2019-03-04 13:03:12][info][miner]: Address: 3:0 [2019-03-04 13:03:12][info][miner]: Vendor: Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) [2019-03-04 13:03:12][info][miner]: Memory: 8176 MByte (8174 MByte free) [2019-03-04 13:03:12][info][miner]: Active: true (Selected kernel: Equihash 150/5 (Beam), 4G ROCm ASM)
GFXCLK: 1227Mhz, DPM: 4, MEMCLK: 1050Mhz, PWR:110.00W, VLT: 0.85v, FAN: 40%, GPU TEMP: 56C, ASIC TEMP: 65C , HBM2 TEMP: 63C --------------------------------------------- Average speed (300s): 17.9 sol/s --------------------------------------------- Average speed (30s): 18.0 sol/s
GFXCLK: 1313Mhz, DPM: 5, MEMCLK: 1050Mhz, PWR:123.00W, VLT: 0.88v, FAN: 40%, GPU TEMP: 60C, ASIC TEMP: 67C , HBM2 TEMP: 64C --------------------------------------------- Average speed (300s): 18.2 sol/s --------------------------------------------- Average speed (30s): 19.1 sol/s
GFXCLK: 1501Mhz, DPM: 6, MEMCLK: 1050Mhz, PWR:176.00W, VLT: 0.98v, FAN: 44%, GPU TEMP: 61C, ASIC TEMP: 74C , HBM2 TEMP: 66C --------------------------------------------- Average speed (300s): 22.0 sol/s --------------------------------------------- Average speed (30s): 22.8 sol/s
GFXCLK: 1620Mhz, DPM: 7, MEMCLK: 1050Mhz, PWR:245.00W, VLT: 1.10v, FAN: 100%, GPU TEMP: 64C, ASIC TEMP: 80C , HBM2 TEMP: 71C --------------------------------------------- Average speed (300s): 23.6 sol/s --------------------------------------------- Average speed (30s): 24.4 sol/s All tests were done on 10mins average(300s)
Lolliedieb (OP)
March 04, 2019, 11:02:18 AM |
where is the windows version of 0.7.1? Only see linux download.
Well the main improvement were the new Beam kernels, that currently only work with the ROCm drivers (and that exist only for Linux) ... I am myself a bit uncomfy about that, but I was not able to get it to working on the legacy drivers till now and it felt wrong not to publish an improvement in hash when avail. I hope I can make same possible for the other drivers, but I have to say this legacy CL stack is pretty crippled in features :/
Check out lolMiner 1.56, an efficient miner for Ethash, Beam and many Cuckoo-Cycle and Equihash variants for AMD & Nvidia cards at low fees.
Jr. Member
Activity: 312
Merit: 2
March 07, 2019, 10:34:50 AM |
I've recently compared reported hashrate at Nicehash vs lolminer's with 2xFury and it turns out actual avg. h\r over 12 hours at nicehash is way higher than what's lolminer reports(I got 300sec and 1800sec reporting intervals set). Its 34Mhs+ at pool, while lolminer says it only around 32Mhs.
March 07, 2019, 02:38:57 PM |
apparently a rocm (compute driver) equivalent version is coming to windows atomics and pci-e 3.0 is the clue it seems ... pci-e 4.0 specs includes atomics from the get-go and I assume with amd-cpus coming 2H 2019 new amd drivers (for gpus) will follow and could come to windows also good info on it: https://rocm.github.io/ROCmInstall.html
Jr. Member
Activity: 195
Merit: 4
March 08, 2019, 12:30:05 AM |
Has the 1927 issue been resolved?
March 09, 2019, 07:27:43 AM |
Will you add asm version for windows?