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1581  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: July 01, 2023, 04:03:07 PM
Haha. I definitivno neću slackati sve dok ima zanimljivih rasprava na forumu. Ali moram priznati da sam nekad znao napisati i preko 100 postova mjesečno u lokalnom boardu tako da se i tu osjeti pad.
Mi ostali smo u biti krivi jer da mi vise pisemo, automatski bi i ti natukao 100 postova ko iz picke. Inace, zanimljivo je da Portugalci imaju svega par aktivnih clanova vise dok u isto vrijeme imaju 3x postova vise od nas sto znaci da se tamo bas raspravlja o svemu i svacemu.

Preko ljeta gotovo sigurno ne treba očekivati bilo kakav rast već daljnji pad aktivnosti, dok je pola ekipe na moru  Grin
O da, pad je vec ovaj mjesec itekako primjetan u odnosu na Svibanj te ocekujem da bude jedan od nasih najslabijih mjeseci uopce.

1582  Other / Meta / Re: [CHARTS] Brief monthly overview of the local boards activity on: July 01, 2023, 03:55:27 PM
I'm glad that we avoided a drop in activity last month because it's almost summer when there will almost certainly be a lot less activity on the forum.
I looked some data for June and you are right, we can expect pretty big drop of post numbers in some boards, which is kinda epxected as summer is coming so people have better things to do that spend time on the forum.

We in the Croatian local board are lucky that thanks to 1 member we always have solid local statistics and that saves us for now from being the worst local board on this forum  Grin
We should reward him for that effort  Cheesy
While spammovic is responsible for almost 20% of our total posts in May, if you check that table at the end of the overview you might notice that there are some local boards that depend even more on one member and in soem cases even go to almsot 50%.

1583  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: June 30, 2023, 03:25:36 PM
S obzirom da je sam kraj Lipnja, krajnje je vrijeme da prestanem slackati te napokon izbacim mjesecni pregled naseg boarda za Svibanj 2023. Predgled je standardno napravljen uz pomoc  @DdmrDdmr Merit Dashboarda te @TryNinja te je sve uploadano na joker_josue TalkImg kojeg ovim putem preporucujem ako uploadate slike na bitcointalk.

Analiza broja postova tijekom Svibnja 2023

Tijekom Svibnja 2023 na nasem board je napisano 328 postova sto je blagi rast u odnoisu na Travanj tijekom kojega smo napisali 301 post je to nastavk trenda smanjivanja broja postova koji traje zadnjih par mjeseci. S obzirom da dolazi ljeto tijekom kojeg ljudi imaju pametnijeg posla od foruma, ocekujem nastavak trenda i u slijedecim mjesecima.

Chart koji prikazuje broj postova od 2018 najbolje docarava situaciju u kojoj smo trenutno. Iskreno, gledano iz ove perspektive ne mogu ni zamisliti kako je bilo ovdje kad se pisalo 1500-2000 posotva mjesecno, vjerojatno je bio totalni cirkus.

Ovakva je situacija kad se usporedimo sa ostalim boardovima; Rusi su standardno daleko ispred svih (iako je njihov broj donekle napuhan zbog velike kolicine spama) a slijede ih Turci i Njemci. Mi smo nekad bili u desnom dijelu charta, ali vec duzi vremenski period smo pri samom dnu. Situacija bi doduse bila bolja da sam ubacio par polumrtvih/mrtvih boardova, ali mislim da nema smisla samo zbog toga da prividno izgledamo bolje.

Analiza merita za Svibanj 2023

Tijekom gore navedenog perioda na nasem boardu je podijeljeno cak 295 merita sto je jedan od najbolih rezultata uopce (da budem precizan drugi najbolji) te svakako veliko povecanje u odnosu na Travanj tijekom kojeg je podijeljeno 211 merita. To su svakako fenomenalne brojke s ozbirom na nasu aktivnost, ali sitiacija je slicna i na ostalom dijelu foruma jer je postalo stvarno jako lako doci do merita sto je rezultat povecane kolicine merita koju merit sourcevi imaju na raspolaganju te smanjenja broja aktivnih clanova.

Lista onih koji su podijelili i primili merit na nasem boardu tijekom Svibnja a lista je malo duza u odnosu na Travanj sto ne cudi s obzirom na veliko povecanje broja podijeljenih merita. Po ocvome ispada da prakticki svatko tko je iole aktivan na boardu moze ocekivati merit.

Po pitanju podijeljenog merita stojimo puno bolje kad se usporedimo sa ostalim lokalnim boardovima nego sto je slucaj na post chartu.

Dok smo nekad na ovom chartu redovno bili pri samom dnu, i prosli mjesec bili pri vrhu sa 0.9 merita po postu sto je mislim zasluzeno kad se uzme u obzir nasa kvaliteta te situacija na ostatku foruma. Iz ove perspektive mi izgleda smijesno svojevremena tvrdnja neki clanova da imamo dovoljan broj merita u vrijeme dok nam je prosjek bio na mozda 0.1 kad sam prvi put potegao pricu da smo deficitarni po tom pitanju u usporedbi sa ostalim lokalnim boardovima.

Lista aktivnih clanova tijekom Svibnja 2023

I za sam kraj ovog (kasnog) pregleda, lista svih aktivnih clanova na nasem boardu. Na vrhu je naravno i dalje slackovic na kojeg se uvijek moze racunati da ce odraditi svoju kvotu postova a iza njega su dkbit98 te moja malenkost.

1. slackovic [60]
2. dkbit98 [33]
3. Rikafip [32]
4. SirJohnVonSlotty [29]
5. FatFork [27]
6. Daniel91 [25]
7. Trofo [23]
8. Pmalek [18]
9. cryptofrka [15]
10. casperBGD [14]
11. big_daddy [10]
12. JooBra [9]
13. examplens [9]
14. Lunorael [5]
15. zTec [5]
16. BitGoba [3]
17. Ivekzg [2]
18. -CryptoViking- [1]
19. Grim_Fandango [1]
20. JayJuanGee [1]
21. PEPA TOKEN [1]
22. Skenderboci [1]
23. Zele365 [1]
24. dejo6 [1]
25. freigeist [1]
26. zenrog [1]

1584  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: LoyceV's Beginners guide to correct use of the Trust system on: June 30, 2023, 07:40:10 AM
Hey LoyceV, I don't know if you noticed but images in the guide are not showing (at least not for me) so maybe you might wanna check it out.
1585  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Crypto lender Celsius mulls possible restructuring amid financial woes on: June 30, 2023, 07:33:08 AM
The skeptical is now thinking that the people who founded and created these failed Cefi lending services are really working for the government to make the cryptospace appear that it is full of scamming hustlers.

The reason for this is to make the cryptospace community divided and make it look that it is in need of a takeover by the people behind the traditional financial companies.
Well, that's not really being skeptical but rather being conspiracy theorist and I am not big fan of those.
Talking about conspiracy theories, I also heard from some ppl saying that Bitcoin was created by government in order for people to slowly accept digial currencies so its easier for them to push CBDC.  Tongue
1586  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: June 29, 2023, 04:34:53 PM
Mene zapravo čudi kako to da Europska unija nije zauzela nekakav zajednički stav prema Binance i ostalim kripto burzama.
A izgleda da su drazve zadrzale nesto sitno sposobnosti da odlucuju sami o sebi. Iako, bit ce zanimljivo nakon sto se u EU uvede ta famozna MiCA koju uostalom Binance cesto spominje u svojim obavijestima pa mozda onda budu sve EU zamelje imale isti stav.

Kad već očito Binance prikuplja dozvole državu po državu, baš me zanima je li u Hrvatskoj tražio dozvolu za djelovanje.
S ozbirom koliko smo mi uredjena i nepotkupljiva zemlja vjerojatno nisu imali nikakvih problema sa licencama kod nas, ako su uopce podnijeli zahtjev.

Od ostalih novosti, FTX CEO navodno traze investitore da ponovno pokrene mjenjacnicu, ali pod novim imenom. S obzirom na kratko pamcenje prosjecnog kripto entuzijasta, uopce me ne bi iznenadilo da ova prica cak i uspije.

FTX CEO John J. Ray III is forging ahead with his efforts to revive the bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange, according to a WSJ report. According to Ray, the company “has begun the process of soliciting interested parties to the reboot of the exchange.”

People familiar with the discussions also revealed that the failed crypto firm has engaged in preliminary talks with potential investors to support a restart of the international exchange, potentially through a joint venture.

The sources told WSJ that there's a possibility existing customers might be offered a stake in the relaunched entity as compensation against their claims.

It is likely that the defunct crypto exchange would undergo rebranding as part of this relaunch, the sources said. And there's has been no indication of a restart of FTX's U.S. exchange, which constituted a relatively small portion of its business.
1587  Other / Meta / Re: - Image hosting for BitcoinTalk on: June 29, 2023, 04:28:41 PM
Is working great for you guys? I am getting errors like this for 10 minutes.

I just checked it and it website works normally for me, no issues whatsoever, including image uploading.

edit; I checked 14 minutes after you made that post so maybe in the meantime it started working again.
1588  Other / Meta / Re: Is it allowed to post in English in a Local Section on: June 29, 2023, 12:10:59 PM

In general, Spanish speaking people find it endearing when a foreigner tries to communicate in our language, it may be the opposite in other board, though. I assume.
It's pretty much the same thing in other local boards, as I've used Google translate to communicate with members in other locals, and non Croatian speakers used it to communicate in my local board and no one really mind it.

I don't think no one would mind if you make an ocassional post in English on local boards either (at least we didn't mind when someone did that) as long as you don't overdo it and start spamming.
1589  Other / Meta / Re: [CHARTS] Brief monthly overview of the local boards activity on: June 29, 2023, 08:03:28 AM
Oh, new statistics, and just a couple of days ago I wanted to come here and ask if the thread is dead. Cheesy
Usually I publish these overviews much earlier in the month but from time to time I get into lazy mode and that's exactly what happened this month. But yeah, I am surprised that no one complained earlier.  Grin

I was surprised by the statistics on the growth of merit in the Indonesian locale. I often visit their local thread: [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] to help guys rate posts. Apparently now the same initiative began to be supported by othe rmerit source, which is very good.
Ye I just looked at Merit Dashboard data for Indonesian board and it looks like that beside you, few other non-Indonesian members helped them out which caused such a big increase in merit shared. Btw, you (and others with extra merit available) might look into some other active boards with low merit/source ratio, like Phillippines and Nigerian.

p.s. Rikafip, congratz on reaching 5,000 merits. Wink
1590  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: U susret Bitcoin halvingu on: June 29, 2023, 07:47:33 AM
U nekoj poruci (ne znam čijoj) sam vidio da građevinci rade sve preko računa.
Ovo prvi put cujem, da gradjevinarci rade sve preko racuna. Frend je nedavno kupio apartman na moru od kripto love te je cca pola platio u kesu gradjevinskoj firmi.

Ovo je ludji potez nego sto je napravio onaj Madjar kad je platio picu 10 000 Bitcoina
Da nije bilo likova kao sto su Laszlo Hanyecz i ostala OG ekipa koja je koristila Bitcoin za ono za sto je i namjenjen, malo tko od nas bi danas bio ovdje i palamudio.

Ako dodje do velikog hajpa i jos vece potraznje  ,SEC odobri sve ove zahtijeve za ETF nebi me cudilo da idemo preko  500 tisuca a 2028 probijemo  1 milion
I ako/kad dodjemo do milijun, oces onda reci da je ludost tada prodavati jer ce za xyz godina 1 BTC biti 10 milijuna?

Iskreno, o tom porezu na nekretnine se govori već 30 godina i nikada se nije uveo a vjerujem da i neće jer bi to bio politički vrlo nepopularan porez a političari izbjegavaju takve odluke koje im mogu naštetiti na izborima.
Volio bih da se pokaze da si u pravu, ali kad tad ce ponestati love a onda mozemo ocekivati porez na nekretnine. Uostalon, ima jos zemalja koji kao i mi imaju visoki postotak vlasnistva nekretnina (Madjarska, Rumunjska., Slovacka etc) te unatoc tome imaju porez na nekretnine tako da mislim da je samo pitanje vremena kad ce se uvesti i kod nas.

Ja više preferiram manje masno, recimo čvarci, sir i luk ali ni tvoja kombinacija nije loša
Ne mora slanina biti masna, postoji tzv "adidas slanina"  Cheesy koju uostalom i ja preferiram. I da, grehota ju je prziti na tavi, eventualno ako se radi carbonara.
1591  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: June 28, 2023, 07:17:05 PM
O Digitalnom euru pričamo već dugo, ali izgleda da se sada priča ''konkretizirala'' i da ćemo ga uskoro dobiti i moći koristiti.
Jako mi je zanimljiva ova ideja da će se digitalni euro moći koristiti i offline.
Što vi mislite o svemu? Da li ćete ga koristiti?
S ozbirom da koristim kes gdje god mogu a karticu samo ako moram, naravno da cu izbjegavati digitalni euro koliko god je moguce. Jedini problem je sto se nece nas puno pitati o tome te ce nas natjerati da ga koristimo htjeli mi to ili ne.

Od ostalih novosti, KuCoin se pridružuje sve većem broju CEXova koji traže od korisnika obavezan KYC da bi mogli koristiti usluge burze.
Izgleda da nisi vidio da sam sherao tu vijest par postova iznad tvoga. Uglavnom, nije nesto sto nismo ocekivali, bilo je pitanje vremena.

U ostalim vijestima, nakon sto su prosli tjedan iz Binanca najavili da se povlace iz Nizozemske jer nisu mogli dobiti licence, prica se po selu da se isto dogadja i sa Austrijom.

On Monday, Finance FWD reported that the crypto exchange withdrew its license application from Austria “some time ago.”

Blockworks reached out to Binance regarding the supposed withdrawal, but the exchange declined to offer any more details.

“We are unable to share details of our conversations with regulators, however we remain committed to acting in compliance with our obligations wherever Binance operates. Our current focus in Europe is on ensuring that we will be in full compliance with the requirements of MiCA when it is implemented at the end of next year,” a statement provided to Blockworks said.

1592  Other / Meta / Re: [CHARTS] Brief monthly overview of the local boards activity on: June 28, 2023, 03:39:16 PM
I happen to think that, although the new campaigns accept posts from local tabs, they are more restrictive in general. Like they only accept 5 posts locally, against the 20 that have to be done.
Hm, I don't think that's true, that new campaigns are generally restrictive when it comes to local boards. Well, at least not from what I have noticed.  

I just looked at the campaigns that have been launched in the last 7-8 months that are still running, and out of 5 of them only one has that 5 local board posts restrictions. I guess more and more managers are realizing that local boards are important part of the forum as well and that is worth to advertise there as well.

@fillippone this was your chance to get rid off "slacker of the month" title because I am not sure that you will get another chance like this anytime soon.  Grin
1593  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Kucoin to introduce mandatory KYC on: June 28, 2023, 01:01:17 PM
No, this is not the only exchange that doesn't ask for KYC there is also a Coinex exchange run by ViaBTC and also an OKX exchange(as optional) with a withdrawal limit for non-KYC users.
I didn't say that Kucoin was the only exchange that didn't ask for KYC, but that it was one of the most reliable ones without mandatory KYC requirement and there is difference between those two things.

Beside Coinex and OKX, there are few more exchanges that don't ask for KYC like Bitget, Mexc, Ascendex etc but its just a matter of time before they do the same as Kucoin and many other exchanges before them.

1594  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Kucoin to introduce mandatory KYC on: June 28, 2023, 10:33:17 AM
This news sucks since Kucoin has been one of the most reliable KYCless exchanges left on the market, but then again that's not something that we haven't expected to happen sooner or later and same thing will happen to others. At this point it is inevitable.

According to the news, old users will not be able to deposit, but they will still be able to do some things:
Basically they will be able to 'play" with the amount they have left there, but if you can't deposit crypto on an exchange, it will eventually become useless.
1595  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: June 28, 2023, 10:25:23 AM
Vrlo vjerojatno najbolja mjenjacnica koja se mogla korisiti bez KYCa nazalost mijenja politiku te su najavili da ce od 15.7 KYC biti obavezan za sve korisnike. To svakako nije iznenadjujuce te je samo pitanje vremena kad ce i ostalih par CEX koji ne zahtjevaju KYC napraviti isto.

Crypto exchange KuCoin is set to mandate know-your-customer (KYC) procedures for all clients starting July 15.

Users must complete KYC to fully access KuCoin's products and services, or they will face limitations, the exchange operator said Wednesday. If KYC procedures are not completed, users will only be able to use services such as spot trading sell orders, futures trading deleveraging, margin trading deleveraging, "earn" product redemptions and ETF redemptions, KuCoin said. They will not be able to make deposits to the exchange but they can withdraw.
1596  Other / Meta / Re: - Image hosting for BitcoinTalk on: June 27, 2023, 08:00:16 PM
You can already do this.
Here is information on how to make this adjustment:
Huh, I completely missed on that update and I haven't even noticed the new feature. Anyway, that's exactly what I needed and it's great to see that you constantly keep adding new features.
1597  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 7000+$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: June 27, 2023, 03:44:55 PM

This just shows that answering on Tuesday brings the most info - but carries some risks as well.
I don't know about the others, but for me answering late is all about me procrastinating, rather than trying to profit from waiting as much as possible to have more info on. Procrastination is a serious illness. Cheesy

Anyway, I learned my lessons from the previous round (I could have had 9 points now instead of 6) and I submitted my answers on time.
1598  Other / Meta / Re: - Image hosting for BitcoinTalk on: June 27, 2023, 03:22:34 PM
@joker_josue while preparing this month's local board overview and uploading more images at the time, I got an idea: how hard would it be to implement an option to automatically resize images? Like you could give few options or even better, would it be possible to manually enter the image size you want and when you click "upload", it automatically resize it?

As an example, this is how Postimages did it.
1599  Other / Meta / Re: [CHARTS] Brief monthly overview of the local boards activity on: June 27, 2023, 03:11:48 PM
Even so, you managed to be faster than me, with my merit tree. Yesterday I had everything ready to do it, but then tiredness got the best of me.  Tongue
Good to hear that I am not the only one slacking.  Grin

I have just updated local boards race
Awesome, I just updated the overview with your animated chart.

Initially, I thought that the end of ChipMixer campaign would have a negative impact over the local boards posts, however it is not true for all local boards. The TOTAL bar shows that.
I thought so too, but luckily it didn't affect local boards as much as I thought it will. One of the reasons might be the fact that majority of ex CM participants got in campaigns that count local boards and I think that trend of new campaigns accepting local boards posts also helped in keeping local boards post numbers.
1600  Other / Meta / Re: [CHARTS] Brief monthly overview of the local boards activity on: June 27, 2023, 12:30:10 PM
Its time for yet another brief monthly overview of the local boards activity, but this time with a bit longer delay than usual. As always,  all charts and table are made with the help of @DdmrDdmr Merit Dashboard and @TryNinja and images uploaded via joker_josue's TalkImg.

Communities marked with * (Pakistan and Bangladesh) don't have their own local boards yet but I hope that's something that will change in the near future because I do believe that they deserve it based on their numbers in the last few years. @theymos & @Cyrus, please take a look at their situation.

Post activity per local board during May 2023

During above mentioned period 16641 posts were made which is a slight increase compared to may April 2023 during which 16496 posts were written acorss 18 local boards. Increase might be slight, but as lonmg as numbers are not going down, for me that is a positive thing.

Once again Russian board remained the most active one, followed by Turkish and German, as usual. No changes at the bottom part of the chart as well, with the standard boards occupying bottom 4-5 spots. Generally no local board experienced huge change compared to April (which is no surprise give very similar amout  of posts written in April and May), with Indonesian board as only one who experienced decent increase (from 856 to 1103 or ~30%).

Local Board post race

Thanks to @bitmover, here is the animated local board post race chart

Number of active members per local board during May 2023

Despite the slight increase of the amoutn of posts written, during May there was a slight decrease in the number of active members; from 1322 during April to 1270 in May which makes it ~4% decrease. Once again Russian board had by far the most active amount of members, followed by Germans and Turks, with members from Indonesia slowly climbing up the ladder and I woulnd't be surprised if they reach Nigerians at thr 4th spot soon.

When it comes to amount of members (percentage wise of course relative to the total amount of members), who wrote 1 post during May, Romanian board is ahead of the others with 60% of such members, followed by Indian (55%) and Spanish (49%) local boards. At the same time, Indonesian has the lowest percentage of those members (17%), closely followed by Portuguese (18%) and Turkish (21%).

In the 2-9 posts bracket, Polish board is ahead of the others with 54% of those members, while Germans are 2nd with 48% and Bangladesh 3rd with 46%. On the other hand,  Romanian  board has the lowest percentage of such members (20%), followed by Arabic (212%) and Croatian (23%) local boards.

In the 10+ posts bracket, Portuguese board is the leader with 46% of those members, followed by Turkish and Indonesian at 44% of such members. Opposite to them are Polish local board with 15% of such members, followed by Greek (18%) and Romanian (20%) local boards.

Merit shared per local board during May 2023

Despite the slight increase in the amount of posts, amount of merits shared went down by 8%, from 9025 in April down to 7306 in May. Its no surprise that due that majority of local boards have fewer merits shared, but one local board stands out that managed to have significant increase and that's Indonesian board that went from 903 merits in April to 1369 during May which makes it a ~50% increase. Kudos guys and hopefully you keep it up!

Merit senders and receivers per local board during May 2023

As always, pretty straightforward chart that is sorted according to the amount of merits shared, and once again Nigerian and Pilipinas boards really stands out which shows that they have large amount of merit senders/receivers relative to the amount of merits shared which could then indicate that they could use more merit sources.

Merit/Post ratio per local board for May 2023

Since amount of merits shared decreased and amount of posts slighly increased, its no surprise that merit/post ratio is slighly less than in previous month but even with that decrease i think that ratio is generally pretty high, with the expection of the few standard names (Nigerian, Pilipinas) that could definitely use more merit sources.

Merit per transaction across local boards in May 2023

Due popular demand (read: fillippone Cheesy) I am including the "merit per transaction" chart to get a litle bit better idea what's going on in each local board merit wise and how members of each board share the merit. Its no surprise that local boards that historically have high merit/post ratio lead this chart as well, but there are few expections like Nigerian board that is relatively high on this chart while being having 2nd lowest merit/post ratio.

The most active members per local board during May 2023

Last but not the least, list of the most active members of 18 local boards. Once again joker_josue from Portuguese  is ahead of the othrs with 280 posts, followed by two members from Russian local board, Smartprofit (244 posts) and Ratimov (203 posts)

Russian |German |Turkish |Italian |Portuguese |Spanish |
1. Smartprofit [244] |1. willi9974 [154] |1. mandown [131] |1. Ale88 [90] |1. joker_josue [280] |1. famososMuertos [80] |
2. Ratimov [203] |2. bullrun2020bro [140] |2. totti67 [130] |2. fillippone [75] |2. darkv0rt3x [87] |2. Hispo [44] |
3. Julien_Olynpic [198] |3. Buchi-88 [89] |3. Mustang Shelby [116] |3. babo [73] |3. bitmover [81] |3. Don Pedro Dinero [41] |
4. klarki [149] |4. sam00 [86] |4. MK-74 [115] |4. mendace [54] |4. Paredao [77] |4. DdmrDdmr [39] |
5. jokers10 [141] |5. bct_ail [85] |5. Silence Scream [115] |5. conilmionome [51] |5. Disruptivas [75] |5. Porfirii [38] |
6. fruktik [138] |6. 1miau [82] |6. Phoenix Anka [93] |6. giammangiato [46] |6. rdluffy [72] |6. darxiaomi [35] |
7. Snork1979 [130] |7. Real-Duke [80] |7. Gencecikmen [90] |7. Paolo.Demidov [38] |7. TryNinja [64] |7. Cuenta Alternativa [16] |
8. bonfire66 [130] |8. Lakai01 [77] |8. execijutiere [86] |8. bitbollo [34] |8. tg88 [58] |8. seoincorporation [15] |
9. The0ldl_lser [91] |9. cygan [65] |9. kriminall [85] |9. Plutosky [33] |9. Lucasgabd [48] |9. Artemis3 [11] |
10. Excimer [89] |10. mole0815 [58] |10. Jossque [82] |10. Lillominato89 [29] |10. alegotardo [48] |10. airbin [10] |

Indonesian |French |Pilipinas |Croatian |Nigerian |Arabic |
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