
Activity: 80
Merit: 10
June 25, 2017, 08:46:52 PM |
i have a gtx 1080 ti on windows 10 , i have try everything but ethereum mining speed stays at 1.4 only, can you help me pls?? i will make a small donation to the guy that can help me thanks
install at least Anniversary Update for win10 its fully updated  hey dolores12 whats your start.bat file look like what settings are you using to overclock hi, i dont run them with oc my bat is very simple ...just pools wallet and worker name tc ..do i have to add something? you might just have to go through the readme file for options and also try different pools. but try -esm 0 use the setx values setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 i also use -allpools 1 -mport 0 also make sure in windows your have the power settings right use high performance and check your bios settings to make sure there are no power saving settings turned on also.
ETHEREUM CLASSIC ADDRESS 0xfb915070495154a395aa4d9851658d8505fa1418 ETHEREUM ADDRESS 0xedc25d2dfb72c9c65564a91b7cde2f334159b100

Activity: 80
Merit: 10
June 25, 2017, 08:52:17 PM |
Hi, guys! How many incorrect ETH shares are considered normal in dual mining mode? I am getting from 0.3% to 1.3% incorrect shares with ETH (ethi 16) + DCR (dcri 20-30) with my RX480. In solo mining mode - from 0.1% to 0.5% incorrect ETH shares. What are your results?
sounds like you might be overclocking a little to much not stable dcri 20 - 30 is usually fine with rx480 alot of people use around dcri 25 -27 i believe
ETHEREUM CLASSIC ADDRESS 0xfb915070495154a395aa4d9851658d8505fa1418 ETHEREUM ADDRESS 0xedc25d2dfb72c9c65564a91b7cde2f334159b100
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
June 25, 2017, 09:08:11 PM Last edit: June 25, 2017, 09:44:45 PM by HelpAMiner |
Can someone please please help me i am desperate! Im mining with a 66 mhash rig on ETC. but i wanted to try the script normally used for this: setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 After using these commands 1 of my cards went from 22 mhash to 4 mhash?!?! i normally didn't use these command and just run with the single line: EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool eu1-etc.ethermine.org:4444 -ewal <Your_Ethereum_Address>.<RigName> -epsw x I have Logs which also have timestamps when it was good and when it changed after the Setx.. I notice that the DAG creation time for the wrong card takes 3 times as long as the other cards, other cards do 5000-5300ms and the wrong card now takes 15000-16000ms PLEASE HELP ME! to get the card back at 22 Mhash, would really appreciate this. Logs: https://justpaste.it/189bkhttps://justpaste.it/189bmEDIT: i have 3x RX 470 4GB cards, is there a way to revert these commands?
June 25, 2017, 09:54:44 PM |
I am having trouble with the gpu hanging at random intervals forcing me to reboot to release it. Longest it runs is 6 hrs before it hangs. Sometimes it is as soon as 1 hr.
system specs: AMD FX-8320E Ram 24GB GPU: MSI Red Devil RX-480 4GB @ factory O/C settings OS: win 8.1 display drivers: 16.12.2 (note: need this version for equihash miner to work)
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool exp.suprnova.cc:3332 -ewal name.x-1 -epsw x -esm 3 -allpools 1 -allcoins exp -dpool stratum+tcp://dcr.suprnova.cc:3252 -dwal name.R-1 -dpsw x -mode 0 -tt 1 -ttli 80 -tstop 90 -fanmax 100 -dcri 30
miner version is 9.5
Temp stays around 75 and fan gets up to 35%
Ethash is 24M and dcr is getting ~735M
any suggestions on what to change to prevent hanging?
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
June 25, 2017, 11:31:27 PM |
Using MSI Afterburner, AMD Wattman, whatever I try, as soon as I apply the new settings they go right back to the previous ones. My -cclock and -mclock parameters in Claymore are having no effect on anything. The weird thing is I have 2 of the exact same card (MSI RX 570 4G) and their settings are different (2000mhz vs 2150mhz memory clock) ... what could have caused this?
How can I regain control over my cards? I have one that is constantly getting incorrect shares so I need to underclock it a bit and I have two or three that could be pushed a little higher.
I've already uninstalled AMD settings so for now it appears Wattman is out of the picture.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
June 25, 2017, 11:39:05 PM |
I'm currently use command lines for everything but I think i'm going to switch to config files. The main reason is the ability to push config files using Ethman. I will be able to switch my secondary coin with logging into each one of my machines.
With all that said, can someone post examples of their config, epool, dpool text files.
June 25, 2017, 11:41:16 PM |
Using MSI Afterburner, AMD Wattman, whatever I try, as soon as I apply the new settings they go right back to the previous ones. My -cclock and -mclock parameters in Claymore are having no effect on anything. The weird thing is I have 2 of the exact same card (MSI RX 570 4G) and their settings are different (2000mhz vs 2150mhz memory clock) ... what could have caused this?
How can I regain control over my cards? I have one that is constantly getting incorrect shares so I need to underclock it a bit and I have two or three that could be pushed a little higher.
I've already uninstalled AMD settings so for now it appears Wattman is out of the picture.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
I've had this issue. Using Claymore's to set the clocks is unstable and inconsistent at best. What solved it was removing the -cclock and -mclock parameters from Clayamore, uninstalling Afterburner, reinstalling it and only using Afterburner to undervolt and set the core and memory clocks.
June 25, 2017, 11:47:49 PM |
Using MSI Afterburner, AMD Wattman, whatever I try, as soon as I apply the new settings they go right back to the previous ones. My -cclock and -mclock parameters in Claymore are having no effect on anything. The weird thing is I have 2 of the exact same card (MSI RX 570 4G) and their settings are different (2000mhz vs 2150mhz memory clock) ... what could have caused this?
How can I regain control over my cards? I have one that is constantly getting incorrect shares so I need to underclock it a bit and I have two or three that could be pushed a little higher.
I've already uninstalled AMD settings so for now it appears Wattman is out of the picture.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
I've had this issue. Using Claymore's to set the clocks is unstable and inconsistent at best. What solved it was removing the -cclock and -mclock parameters from Clayamore, uninstalling Afterburner, reinstalling it and only using Afterburner to undervolt and set the core and memory clocks. I use WattTool with profiles and then call those profiles in the batch file.
June 26, 2017, 12:21:49 AM |
Can someone please please help me i am desperate! Im mining with a 66 mhash rig on ETC. but i wanted to try the script normally used for this: setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 After using these commands 1 of my cards went from 22 mhash to 4 mhash?!?! i normally didn't use these command and just run with the single line: EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool eu1-etc.ethermine.org:4444 -ewal <Your_Ethereum_Address>.<RigName> -epsw x I have Logs which also have timestamps when it was good and when it changed after the Setx.. I notice that the DAG creation time for the wrong card takes 3 times as long as the other cards, other cards do 5000-5300ms and the wrong card now takes 15000-16000ms PLEASE HELP ME! to get the card back at 22 Mhash, would really appreciate this. Logs: https://justpaste.it/189bkhttps://justpaste.it/189bmEDIT: i have 3x RX 470 4GB cards, is there a way to revert these commands? How did you use those commands? You meant to write them into bat file, to undo that you just delete it or you the previous version of bat file. Your assumption that hash rate is affected by SETX is probably wrong. You changed something else at the same time. Probably just rebooted the rig. Are you controlling the rig remotely? Is the monitor connected to one of the RX470 GPUs? If not you need to connect it or use an emulator.
June 26, 2017, 12:28:02 AM |
Using MSI Afterburner, AMD Wattman, whatever I try, as soon as I apply the new settings they go right back to the previous ones. My -cclock and -mclock parameters in Claymore are having no effect on anything. The weird thing is I have 2 of the exact same card (MSI RX 570 4G) and their settings are different (2000mhz vs 2150mhz memory clock) ... what could have caused this?
How can I regain control over my cards? I have one that is constantly getting incorrect shares so I need to underclock it a bit and I have two or three that could be pushed a little higher.
I've already uninstalled AMD settings so for now it appears Wattman is out of the picture.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
If you eliminated an effect caused by software settings by using DDU, uninstalling MSI AB and AMD drivers then those settings most likely hard-coded in cards BIOS. Do you have a switch for dual BIOS. Change the position, restart the rig and check by GPU-Z. You can modify or re-flash the BIOS from one card to another.
June 26, 2017, 12:32:27 AM |
I'm currently use command lines for everything but I think i'm going to switch to config files. The main reason is the ability to push config files using Ethman. I will be able to switch my secondary coin with logging into each one of my machines.
With all that said, can someone post examples of their config, epool, dpool text files.
Here is mine config.txt below. There have been no need to use epool and dpool. -epool asia1.ethpool.org:3333 -ewal 0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0.XXX -epsw XXX -di 234012 -gser 2 -esm 1 -mode 1 -asm 1 -dcri 4 -tt 60 -ttli 75 -r 1 -dbg 1
Activity: 1030
Merit: 1006
June 26, 2017, 12:57:54 AM |
Can someone please please help me i am desperate! Im mining with a 66 mhash rig on ETC. but i wanted to try the script normally used for this: setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 After using these commands 1 of my cards went from 22 mhash to 4 mhash?!?! i normally didn't use these command and just run with the single line: EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool eu1-etc.ethermine.org:4444 -ewal <Your_Ethereum_Address>.<RigName> -epsw x I have Logs which also have timestamps when it was good and when it changed after the Setx.. I notice that the DAG creation time for the wrong card takes 3 times as long as the other cards, other cards do 5000-5300ms and the wrong card now takes 15000-16000ms PLEASE HELP ME! to get the card back at 22 Mhash, would really appreciate this. Logs: https://justpaste.it/189bkhttps://justpaste.it/189bmEDIT: i have 3x RX 470 4GB cards, is there a way to revert these commands? How did you use those commands? You meant to write them into bat file, to undo that you just delete it or you the previous version of bat file. Your assumption that hash rate is affected by SETX is probably wrong. You changed something else at the same time. Probably just rebooted the rig. Are you controlling the rig remotely? Is the monitor connected to one of the RX470 GPUs? If not you need to connect it or use an emulator. SETX writes it in registry permanently, so to revert you have to go to registry. Instead , SET ... writes it just for that instance so it can be reverted.
June 26, 2017, 01:50:44 AM |
Hi, guys! How many incorrect ETH shares are considered normal in dual mining mode? I am getting from 0.3% to 1.3% incorrect shares with ETH (ethi 16) + DCR (dcri 20-30) with my RX480. In solo mining mode - from 0.1% to 0.5% incorrect ETH shares. What are your results?
I find that dcri 16 works well with sia dual mining and dcri 24 works well with dec with my rx480 8gb cards, keeps my eth hashrate around 26-28 which is what i like.
June 26, 2017, 01:56:22 AM |
I am having trouble with the gpu hanging at random intervals forcing me to reboot to release it. Longest it runs is 6 hrs before it hangs. Sometimes it is as soon as 1 hr.
system specs: AMD FX-8320E Ram 24GB GPU: MSI Red Devil RX-480 4GB @ factory O/C settings OS: win 8.1 display drivers: 16.12.2 (note: need this version for equihash miner to work)
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool exp.suprnova.cc:3332 -ewal name.x-1 -epsw x -esm 3 -allpools 1 -allcoins exp -dpool stratum+tcp://dcr.suprnova.cc:3252 -dwal name.R-1 -dpsw x -mode 0 -tt 1 -ttli 80 -tstop 90 -fanmax 100 -dcri 30
miner version is 9.5
Temp stays around 75 and fan gets up to 35%
Ethash is 24M and dcr is getting ~735M
any suggestions on what to change to prevent hanging?
I was having the same problem and i tried everything i could think of, reinstalling windows, different psu, reseating everything, different risers, different settings and I may have found what was causing it. The -tt setting coupled with -fanmin and -fanmax wasnt registering or would only work for a little while. I got rid of those options and set my fans to 75% in msi afterburner. Seems to have fixed opencl hang and temp errors.
June 26, 2017, 02:41:05 AM |
Hello all,
I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I've built a third mining machine using Windows 10, and currently it has one RX 580 8GB card an an old 7970 3GB card in it. I've installed the latest AMD 17.4.4 drivers, and I copied over my setup from my previous miner including, Claymore miner 9.5 and my batch file from my other miner.
When I run the claymore miner it seems to run OK but I never get the purple line telling me the GPU temperature/fan speed! What am I missing? I don't remember ever having to turn that on before, and I'm using the same batch script I use on my other miner which DOES print out the GPU temperature/fan speed. I copied over the entire folder where I keep the miner and it's config files, and my batch files, etc. so I'm very confused.
Also does anyone know what decred intensity is a good starting point for an RX 580? Thanks!
June 26, 2017, 02:45:13 AM Last edit: June 26, 2017, 02:56:49 AM by Vann |
Hello all,
I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I've built a third mining machine using Windows 10, and currently it has one RX 580 8GB card an an old 7970 3GB card in it. I've installed the latest AMD 17.4.4 drivers, and I copied over my setup from my previous miner including, Claymore miner 9.5 and my batch file from my other miner.
When I run the claymore miner it seems to run OK but I never get the purple line telling me the GPU temperature/fan speed! What am I missing? I don't remember ever having to turn that on before, and I'm using the same batch script I use on my other miner which DOES print out the GPU temperature/fan speed. I copied over the entire folder where I keep the miner and it's config files, and my batch files, etc. so I'm very confused.
Also does anyone know what decred intensity is a good starting point for an RX 580? Thanks!
You need to plug in a monitor or dummy plug for the driver to be able to read and set the temperature and fan speeds. I use -ethi 8 and -dcri 25 dual mining.
June 26, 2017, 02:48:50 AM |
Hello all,
I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I've built a third mining machine using Windows 10, and currently it has one RX 580 8GB card an an old 7970 3GB card in it. I've installed the latest AMD 17.4.4 drivers, and I copied over my setup from my previous miner including, Claymore miner 9.5 and my batch file from my other miner.
When I run the claymore miner it seems to run OK but I never get the purple line telling me the GPU temperature/fan speed! What am I missing? I don't remember ever having to turn that on before, and I'm using the same batch script I use on my other miner which DOES print out the GPU temperature/fan speed. I copied over the entire folder where I keep the miner and it's config files, and my batch files, etc. so I'm very confused.
Also does anyone know what decred intensity is a good starting point for an RX 580? Thanks!
You need to plug in a monitor or dummy plug for the driver to be able to read and set the temperature and fan speeds. I use -ethi 8 and -dcri 26 dual mining. Thank you! So I'm assuming this is an AMD thing then, yes? Because my Nvidia based rig doesn't have a dummy plug but still prints out the GPU temp/fan speed.
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
June 26, 2017, 02:51:17 AM |
Using MSI Afterburner, AMD Wattman, whatever I try, as soon as I apply the new settings they go right back to the previous ones. My -cclock and -mclock parameters in Claymore are having no effect on anything. The weird thing is I have 2 of the exact same card (MSI RX 570 4G) and their settings are different (2000mhz vs 2150mhz memory clock) ... what could have caused this?
How can I regain control over my cards? I have one that is constantly getting incorrect shares so I need to underclock it a bit and I have two or three that could be pushed a little higher.
I've already uninstalled AMD settings so for now it appears Wattman is out of the picture.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
If you eliminated an effect caused by software settings by using DDU, uninstalling MSI AB and AMD drivers then those settings most likely hard-coded in cards BIOS. Do you have a switch for dual BIOS. Change the position, restart the rig and check by GPU-Z. You can modify or re-flash the BIOS from one card to another. Yes, but those two cards are both using stock BIOS! I just don't understand how one runs at 2000Mhz and one at 2150Mhz no matter what I do with Claymore parameters, Wattool, Afterburner, etc... I basically have no control over the clock speeds of my cards... unless GPU-Z is reporting incorrect information of course...
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
June 26, 2017, 02:54:29 AM |
Does anyone have better performance on old version of AMD drivers than the latest ones? Or is that a thing of the past?
June 26, 2017, 02:56:12 AM |
Hello all,
I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I've built a third mining machine using Windows 10, and currently it has one RX 580 8GB card an an old 7970 3GB card in it. I've installed the latest AMD 17.4.4 drivers, and I copied over my setup from my previous miner including, Claymore miner 9.5 and my batch file from my other miner.
When I run the claymore miner it seems to run OK but I never get the purple line telling me the GPU temperature/fan speed! What am I missing? I don't remember ever having to turn that on before, and I'm using the same batch script I use on my other miner which DOES print out the GPU temperature/fan speed. I copied over the entire folder where I keep the miner and it's config files, and my batch files, etc. so I'm very confused.
Also does anyone know what decred intensity is a good starting point for an RX 580? Thanks!
You need to plug in a monitor or dummy plug for the driver to be able to read and set the temperature and fan speeds. I use -ethi 8 and -dcri 26 dual mining. Thank you! So I'm assuming this is an AMD thing then, yes? Because my Nvidia based rig doesn't have a dummy plug but still prints out the GPU temp/fan speed. Yes, the monitor is required for the AMD drivers. Also a correction, with the latest epoch I get better ETH hash with -dcri 25.