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1481  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Payment processor hacked, more than $23M in crypto stolen on: July 23, 2023, 05:52:35 PM
I wonder if all the stolen coins belong to their clients or if it's a combination of client funds + their own profits.
In that twitter thread that mk4 shared its mentioned that one of their clients (HypeDrop) had to disable withdrawals so it seems that not only their funds was lost in that hack.

Another reason why custodian payment processors are dangerous, despite being simpler and more user-friendly
Iirc the only crypto payment processor I ever used was Paycek and it was very user friendly (its non-custodial ofc)  so I don't know how easier custodial ones could be.

1482  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: July 23, 2023, 03:26:17 PM
Kao sto sam obecao u onoj temi u Meti, evo i mjesecnog pregleda domaceg boarda. Kao i svaki out do sada, pregled je napravljen uz pomoc @DdmrDdmr Merit Dashboarda te @TryNinja a sve slike su uploadano na joker_josue TalkImg kojeg ovim puem preporucujem ako trazite tool za uploadanje slika na forum.

Analiza broja postova tijekom Lipnja 2023

Tijekom gore navedenog perioda na nasem lokalnom boardu napisano je ukupno 217 postova sto je poprilican pad u odnosu na mjesec ranije tijekom kojeg smo napisali 328. S obzirom da je ljeto i da ljudi imaju pametnijeg posla, pad se ocekivao ali nisam bas mislio da ce biti ~33%. Ono sto je takodjer primjento na chartu je da je altcoin sekcija skroz zamrla te da se velika vecona razgovora vodi na main dijelu, ali to u biti ne cudi jer tijekom bearan altovi ionako miruju te nema nekih velikih dogadjaja.

Bit ce zanimljivo vidjeti rezultate za ovaj mjesec jer mi se nekako cini da smo bili aktivniji nego prosli mjesec, ali u svakom slucaju ne ocekujem neko veliko povecanje broja postova.

Na ovom chartu se najbolje vidi situacija od 2018 te ispada da nam je ovo drugi najgori rezultat uopce, a ja cak mislim da je najgori jer onaj broj iz 1/2021 je rezultat dobivanja novih child boardova te se tijekom premjestanja topica i postova brojka malo poremetila.

U uspredbi sa ostalim boatrdovima smo takodjer dosta pali jer smo nekada bili u gornjoj polovici a sada smo na zalost pri dnu.

Analiza merita za Lipanj 2023

Tijekom Lipnja na nasem boardu podijeljeno je 154 merita sto je pad od skoro 50% u odnosu na mjesec ranije te nam je to najgori rezultat u zadnjih skoro godinu dana. Opet, taj pad ne cudi s obzirom na pad broja postova te on u biti i nije uopce los kad se to uzme u obzir.

A evo i liste svih onih koji su podijelili te primili merit tijekom gore navedenog razdoblja. S obzirom na primjetan pad podijeljenog merita, ne cudi da je lista dosta kraca u donosu na Svibanj tijekom kojeg je 19 clanova merit a 17 primilo merit.

Kad se usporedimo sa ostalima po pitanju podijeljenog merita, ne cudi da smo i tu pri dnu s obzirom na broj postova. Inace, zanimljiva situacija je na Indonezijskom boardu koji je par zadnjih mjeseci pri samom vrhu jer su neki merit sourcevi sa ostalih boardova odlucili pomagati im dok ne dobiju jos svojih sourceva.

I za kraj ove serije chartova, merit/post. Unatoc velikom padu broja postova te jos vecem padu podijeljenog merita, nas ratio je i dalje odlican te mislim da bi bili na samom vrhu da nam dodje koji aktivni novi clan koji bi se zadrzao dulje na forumu.

Lista aktivnih clanova tijekom Lipnja 2023

I za kraj ovog mjesecnog pregleda, lista svih onih koji su napisali makar jedan post tijekom Lipnja 2023, koja je ocekivanoi malo kraca u odnosu na mjesec ranije. Slackovic je ocekivano na vrhu sa 38 postyova, nakon toga je moja malenkost sa 28 posotva a BitGoba i dkbit98 dijele trece mjesto sa 20 postova.

1. slackovic [38]
2. Rikafip [28]
3. BitGoba [20]
4. dkbit98 [20]
5. Pmalek [19]
6. Daniel91 [18]
7. SirJohnVonSlotty [16]
8. casperBGD [11]
9. FatFork [9]
10. Trofo [9]
11. cryptofrka [5]
12. examplens [4]
13. Domchi [3]
14. JooBra [3]
15. Mardah [3]
16. Grim_Fandango [2]
17. zTec [2]
18. zoda [2]
19. Branko [1]
20. Rogovaw [1]
21. btctuxedo [1]
22. pmemorex [1]
23. sbogovac [1]
1483  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: SCAM or not ? on: July 23, 2023, 06:51:58 AM
This is just like a newer version of the Nigerian prince emails, nothing more, nothing less. I just don't get it, it's like if someone on the street asks you to give him $50 telling you he's going to be right back with $100, he just needs to get into his car to get you the money. Would people fall for something like that? At this point I would say yes.
It is a little bit more elaborated than that because scammers invest more time and effort in order to fool the victim, compared to nigerian prince email scam. Some scammes play very long game and are willing to chat with victim for months before they go on the actual scam.

It does sound stupid to us that know about that scamming technique and generally have experience, but many people are gullibl and not aware of all the dangers on the Internet.
1484  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: SCAM or not ? on: July 23, 2023, 06:36:12 AM
A question that always begs for an answer is, why do people wait until they have scammed 100% or the scam cycle has been completed before they seek for help or open up to other people in the community?
Because people feel embarrased to admit themselves and to others that they have been scammed in a such way. Also, when you see reactions like "If you had IQ above 50, you would realize while typing this post out that it was an obvious scam. So you didn't thought this was a scam, that proves your IQ is way below 50[/i]",  so no wonder that many people decide to rather suck it up then ask for help.

I don't want to sound but is this for real? What does it even mean that you met someone on internet who told you to invest in some unknown crypto trading platform? I just don't understand who someone can fall for something like that.
That's a pretty common scam tactic in which "female" contacts the victim, flirts with him for some time and then moves conversation towards "incredible investment opportunity on xyz platform". Men (and women) tend to switch off their brain when they fall in love and scammers are very well aware of that.
1485  Economy / Service Discussion / Payment processor hacked, more than $23M in crypto stolen on: July 23, 2023, 06:26:56 AM
Payment processor Alphapo was hacked for 23 million USD in BTC, ETH and XRP. Did anyone here use them because I can't remember I ever heard about them before.

Alphapo, a payment processor for various gambling services, reported a breach of their hot wallets today, July 23, 2023. The breach resulted in a loss of over $23 million in Ethereum (ETH), TRON (TRX), and Bitcoin (BTC) cryptocurrencies. The exact amount of BTC stolen remains unclear.

The stolen funds on Ethereum were swapped for ETH and then bridged to Avalanche and Bitcoin. The addresses involved in the breach include:

1486  Other / Meta / Re: Icopress ' Merit Source Application on: July 21, 2023, 08:36:12 PM
I'm posting this because it's impossible to become a merit source without an app.
Even though it is (very) rare, that's tehnically not correct as few members got merit source status 2 years ago when theymos did merit "readjustement" without applying to be a merit source.
Wasn't that 4 years ago?  I recall it being 2019 when Theymos told me I was now a merit source and to go forth and prosper.  Lol. 
Well, maybe it happened then as well (it was probably before my time here) but it also happened in summer of 2021 (which was the last time theymos introduced new merit sources) as one of our local board member got a merit source status without ever applying for one. So yeah, it is possible but it's definitely better to apply than wait for a miracle.
1487  Other / Meta / Re: Icopress ' Merit Source Application on: July 21, 2023, 03:56:56 PM
I'm posting this because it's impossible to become a merit source without an app.
Even though it is (very) rare, that's tehnically not correct as few members got merit source status 2 years ago when theymos did merit "readjustement" without applying to be a merit source.

Beside that, what to say other than you would be an excellent merit source so good luck with your application!
1488  Economy / Speculation / Re: Indonesia National Exchange Open in the end of July 2023, Is bullish Start? on: July 21, 2023, 02:38:42 PM
what are your thought? Is bullish Start?
Someone will correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think that Indonesia market is so big or influental that it could even start small pump, let alone bull run. I mean, just look at at the bitcoin price which hasn't move dat all after this news got released.

But generally, I don't like seeing countries getting into stuff like this because they are usually not good at handling the business.
1489  Other / Meta / Re: Request for the merit source for the Polish board on: July 20, 2023, 03:00:34 PM
I am not exclusively talking about Polish board, nor am I against anyone here. I'm just saying what happens sometimes
Just because it happens sometimes, doesn't mean that there should be no local board merit sources at all. After all, local board merit sources rarely constrict themsleves to their own local board, at least from what I have noticed.

some weeks ago I noticed two guys, one from Indonesia and one from Nigeria, had tons of merits compared to their post count, got from local boards and they were posting absolutely nonsense on international boards. Probably it's my mistake that I didn't mark them because at some point I was like, I'll be a bad guy if I report them because they are from poor countries and probably it's their only way to escape.
You should have reported those posts, even though just because you think something is a nonsense, doesn't automatically mean it will be deleted as I (and probably everyone that is active reported) had my share of bad reports even though they were blatant nonsesne shitposts.
1490  Other / Meta / Re: Lol. Has this ever happened to you? Merit sent again after refreshing. on: July 19, 2023, 03:42:38 PM
Yeah it happened to me several times. Luckily I usually give only 1 merit so even when it happens, its not a big deal and it doesn't usually empty my smerit.

When you refresh or click Send, within 60 seconds, it will show the message.

" You just merited that post! Did you double-click? ".
Is it something relatively new? I am asking because I could swear that I didn't see any message each time it happened (last time it happened was probably more than a year ago).
1491  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: July 19, 2023, 03:36:54 PM
Samo upozoravam 'random Joea' koji prvi put odluči kupit kripto a tek je zalutao na forum da ga ovo košta 6% od zarade, koju gotovo sigurno u startu neće imati, što znači da faktički gubi 6% kapitala (bez inflacije) ako koristi ovu uslugu za ulaz/izlaz.
99% "random Joe" ekipe jednostavno nema drugi izbor ako hoce uci u kripto jer ce fee morati ostaviti nekome, samo je pitanje da li je to BATM, bitcoin store,, a da ne spominjem Bisq (koji se ovdje na forumu redovno preporuca) kod kojeg ces popusiti minimum 10-15%  ako hoces kupiti iole solidniju kolicinu bitcoina u razumnom vremenskom periodu.

Dodatno - pliz shvati ovo kao generalnu raspravu o kriptu, ja samo želim da se sve karte stave na stol. Bolje je da ovo postoji nego da ne postoji, ono što je moj cilj je ukazati na neke stvari koje mene općenito smetaju u industriji, a uvelike se recimo svode na ovo
Sve te stvari su postale neminovnost cim se bitcoin prosirio iz uskog kruga cypherpunkera u mainstream. Uostalom, drukcije se i nije mogao siriti i doci do danasnjih razina i cijena da nije bilo tih servisa koji su uvelike olaksali kupovinu bitcoina. E sad, dal je bolje da je bitcoin ostao na par dolara i da transakcije kostaju lipu te ekipa trguje p2p ili ovo sto trenutno imamo. Nazalost, najbolje iz oba svijeta ne mozemo imati.
1492  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: July 19, 2023, 03:17:08 PM
Objavljene su promjene u Whirlwindu, dkbit98 i ja smo pojačali hrvatski lokal Smiley
Cestitke vama dvojici, nisam ni sumnjao da ce te upasti. Sada je Sinbad vs whirlwind rezultat 3:3 na nasem boardu, i dokaz kvalitete jer cisto sumnjam da se ijedan drugi board moze pohvaliti sa toliko clanova u dvije najbolje placene kampanje, pogotovo ne boardovi nase velicine.

S druge strane čini mi se da whilwind i sinbad plaćaju posve isto s istim uvjetima ali mi je možda nešto i promaklo.
Jedina razlika koju ja vidim je da whirlwind nema obavezu nosnje avatara za max isplatu. Ali posto vidim da je vas par u "Green Zone" a ne nosite avatar, mozda je tako i u Sinbadu samo sto nije navedeno u pravilima?  
1493  Other / Meta / Re: Request for the merit source for the Polish board on: July 19, 2023, 03:06:18 PM
malevolent is also a moderator for Polish local board so if he/she left the forum, Polish board will need another local moderator.
I wish them good luck if they go for another moderator. We (Croatian local board) lost ours (Lauda) years ago and never got a new one and we are far more active than Polish local board.

This is how merit laundering happens: I post a normal or high quality post, then someone gives me 50 merits, so I'm left with 25 smerits, then I send 25 smerits to another compatriot, then he will receive 30 merits from merit source, then he sends me 10 merits and so on. I would say that most of the times, local board members send inadequate volume of merits to their compatriots. Btw it's hard to argue whether person deserves 1 merit, 2 merit or 50 merits because everyone can back it up simply: I felt so.
But you can clearly see that's not happening in Polish board as they had a measly 0.04 merits per post in June which is equal to Off-Topic merit/post ratio, and we all know what kind of discussions are going on there. Hell, even Announcements (Altcoins) board which is known for spam and shitposts had 2x of their merit post ratio.
1494  Economy / Services / Re: We are looking for MLM managers on: July 19, 2023, 02:16:19 PM
I don't think so, sounds like OneCoin the MLM based on Cryptocurrency to me, you can not connect Cryptocurrency to MLM because MLM is data-based a big turnaround from the Cryptocurrency nature.
OneCoin and Bitconnect are just two of the biggest MLM Ponzi scheme causing its investors to lose $3.5 billion.

He was being sarcastic, hence the /s after "seems legit".

We have nothing to do with pyramid schemes. We need people who will present our product at conferences and in regional communities. The project has been running for over three years and has a big ecosystem!
Why don't you share some more info about the project, so people won't have to guess about you being a pyramid scheme?
1495  Other / Meta / Re: Request for the merit source for the Polish board on: July 18, 2023, 07:03:49 PM
To be honest, I just don't like the idea of giving merits on local boards.
Local boards usually have members who prefer to be active only in their own local board and without merit sources it will be very hard for them to ever rank up. Therefore there is nothing wrong with having merit sources that will be focused on their own local board (btw, that doesn't stop them from sharing merit in other parts of the forum as they often do that).

That used to be the case in Croatian local board few years ago when it was almost impossible to rank up if you were mainly active there no matter how quality your posts were. Luckily that changed after we got few merit sources so now quality posts don't go unmerited.

This isn't fair and probably destroys the main idea of merit system on this forum.
The main idea behind merit system is to stop shitposters ever reaching higher ranks, and not to stop decent members from ranking.
1496  Other / Meta / Re: Request for the merit source for the Polish board on: July 18, 2023, 06:25:23 PM
While I do agree that based on merit/post ratio Polish board could use another merit source, that's not really how merit sorce application works.

If you want to be a merit source:

 1. Be a somewhat established member.
 2. Collect TEN posts written in the last couple of months by other people that have not received nearly enough merit for how good they are, and post quotes for them all in a new Meta thread. The point of this is to demonstrate your ability to give out merit usefully.
 3. We will take a look at your history and maybe make you a source.

My suggestion is that you talk among yourslf in Polish board who will submit application, and then support the one you choose.
1497  Other / Meta / Re: [CHARTS] Brief monthly overview of the local boards activity on: July 18, 2023, 03:23:54 PM
Post updated with the link to the local chart race!
Overview has been updated.

1498  Other / Meta / Re: [CHARTS] Brief monthly overview of the local boards activity on: July 18, 2023, 03:26:19 AM
updated the local board  race @Rikafip:

Thanks, but from what I can see that's only image so can you please share the link too so I can update the overview?

Rikafip, thank you very much for another very detailed and interesting analysis of the activities on local boards on the forum.
This month you rushed and published your analysis earlier than usual. Are you in a hurry because you are soon going on a well-deserved vacation at the sea?  Grin
It was more about wanting to release this overview sooner than like it was last month because somehow I have a feeling when I wait for the end of the month to publish it that is less relevant due amount of time passed + I avoid people pestering me over it.  Cheesy

I hope that soon we will also see analysis for the Croatian local board as well  Cheesy
Our local board overview should be out by the end of the week.
1499  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Is the Binance the next to bite the dust or FUD? on: July 17, 2023, 05:06:35 PM
In any case, there might be people in the government who will use everything in the law to witness CZ go to an American jail. This might also be seen as good for their war against China storyline.
In one of the earlier posts in this thread you said that behind CZ and Justin might be chinese money (which I woulnd't be surprised is the case btw). So, let's say for the sake of argument that CZ is indeed backed by China, do you really believe that they will let him being arrested and sent to US jail? I honestly don't think so.

@Rikafip. My prediction, CZ will resign or be removed as CEO and Justin Sun will buy Binance and continue to operate as a small exchange similar to Poloniex.
I know that you like to make an "interesting" predictions, but I wonder how often they turn out to be true?
1500  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Recently received an FTX Noticing Email on: July 17, 2023, 04:57:03 PM

Anyone received this email just in?
I know some people that have money stuck on FTX and they all received email few days ago. Afaik, you are supposed to submit some info via
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