slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
September 17, 2012, 03:23:57 PM |
I just "fixed" the lost blocks 917,923,926 by doubling rewards for rounds #13919, #13920, #13921. I'm sorry for inconvenience.
September 17, 2012, 03:31:46 PM |
I just "fixed" the lost blocks 917,923,926 by doubling rewards for rounds #13919, #13920, #13921. I'm sorry for inconvenience.
Thanks Slush! Just out of curiosity, did you figure out what cause the bug in the first place?
If I help you out: 17QatvSdciyv2zsdAbphDEUzST1S6x46c3 References ( 50051.20 50051.100 53668.0 53788.0 53571.0 53571.0 52212.0 50729.0 114804.0 115468 78106 69061 58572 54747
slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
September 17, 2012, 06:15:18 PM |
Hm, actually not. Mysql log didn't tell me anything significant, but it clearly failed during the insert to block table. I just "fixed" the lost blocks 917,923,926 by doubling rewards for rounds #13919, #13920, #13921. I'm sorry for inconvenience.
Thanks Slush! Just out of curiosity, did you figure out what cause the bug in the first place?
September 18, 2012, 01:51:35 PM |
Hm, actually not. Mysql log didn't tell me anything significant, but it clearly failed during the insert to block table. I just "fixed" the lost blocks 917,923,926 by doubling rewards for rounds #13919, #13920, #13921. I'm sorry for inconvenience.
Thanks Slush! Just out of curiosity, did you figure out what cause the bug in the first place? Oh nice. Can this happen more often please :p . Thanks for the double up.
slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
September 18, 2012, 04:29:11 PM |
m0mchil just released new version of poclbm with native support of Stratum. Can anybody check it and confirm that it works as expected? I don't have a reason to think an oposite, I just don't have GPU here around to check it myself.
Activity: 2030
Merit: 1000
My money; Our Bitcoin.
September 18, 2012, 07:10:08 PM |
m0mchil just released new version of poclbm with native support of Stratum. Can anybody check it and confirm that it works as expected? I don't have a reason to think an oposite, I just don't have GPU here around to check it myself.
Working fine for me. Although I don't see anything different. The last version worked fine for me with Stratum.
slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
September 18, 2012, 07:18:03 PM |
Portnoy: Can you confirm that it is connecting to port 3333 instead of 8332? If so, then poclbm is mining on Stratum interface and thus giving you all benefits included in this protocol.
Activity: 2030
Merit: 1000
My money; Our Bitcoin.
September 18, 2012, 08:04:53 PM |
Portnoy: Can you confirm that it is connecting to port 3333 instead of 8332? If so, then poclbm is mining on Stratum interface and thus giving you all benefits included in this protocol.
Sure. How do I do that? This is what I have in my batch file: poclbm.exe [userdetails]@localhost:8332 -d0 -v -w128 -f1 Should I change that 8332 above to 3333?
slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
September 18, 2012, 09:27:36 PM |
Portnoy, the main reason for native support in miners is that users don't need mining proxy. So try to point latest poclbm to again, it should redirect to Stratum automatically (by following X-Stratum HTTP header in the response). Or you can put stratum:// instead, to point miner to stratum interface directly.
Activity: 2030
Merit: 1000
My money; Our Bitcoin.
September 18, 2012, 10:27:18 PM |
Portnoy, the main reason for native support in miners is that users don't need mining proxy. So try to point latest poclbm to again, it should redirect to Stratum automatically (by following X-Stratum HTTP header in the response). Or you can put stratum:// instead, to point miner to stratum interface directly. I live in Western Canada... is one of those better than another for my location? I set it back to poclbm.exe [userdeatils] -d0 -v -w128 -f1 The way I had it before trying Stratum, although now I am using the new version of poclbm.exe.
September 19, 2012, 12:29:21 AM |
All of a sudden one of my workers isn't getting any shares through, the miner is working fine, but every time a share is submitted the proxy log says that it was rejected by the pool and my "worker is not authorized"
As far as I know, nothing has changed. I did just recently download the latest version of the proxy, but I'm pretty sure it had been working for several hours, and just in the last hour or so it started doing this...
Any thoughts?
If I help you out: 17QatvSdciyv2zsdAbphDEUzST1S6x46c3 References ( 50051.20 50051.100 53668.0 53788.0 53571.0 53571.0 52212.0 50729.0 114804.0 115468 78106 69061 58572 54747
September 19, 2012, 02:01:32 AM |
Well, I ended up restarting the proxy and everything is working now.
But it might be something to keep in mind because I downloaded the newest proxy around 2pm today, then everything ran great until about 7pm. Then I started getting the shares rejected with an error that said my worker was not authorized. It looked like it started with a new block.
After restarting the proxy it started working again.
I'll keep an eye on things going forward and report any other oddities...
If I help you out: 17QatvSdciyv2zsdAbphDEUzST1S6x46c3 References ( 50051.20 50051.100 53668.0 53788.0 53571.0 53571.0 52212.0 50729.0 114804.0 115468 78106 69061 58572 54747
slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
September 19, 2012, 08:09:36 AM |
I live in Western Canada... is one of those better than another for my location?
I set it back to poclbm.exe [userdeatils] -d0 -v -w128 -f1
The way I had it before trying Stratum, although now I am using the new version of poclbm.exe.
In new poclbm, you should see some informational message that it is switching to stratum, correct? Both proxy and native support will work good, except that with native support in miner you don't need to run special software on the machine.
slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
September 19, 2012, 08:11:16 AM |
All of a sudden one of my workers isn't getting any shares through, the miner is working fine, but every time a share is submitted the proxy log says that it was rejected by the pool and my "worker is not authorized"
As far as I know, nothing has changed. I did just recently download the latest version of the proxy, but I'm pretty sure it had been working for several hours, and just in the last hour or so it started doing this...
Yes, this is quite interesting. I have similar bug report by another user. However I'm running latest proxy version overnight and don't see any problem. What miner are you using?
slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
September 19, 2012, 12:09:10 PM |
There's some uncertainity how to connect newest poclbm to the pool using Stratum.
You don't need to change any settings in your miners, just connect them to "" port "8332" as usual. Pool is advertising special HTTP header which tell poclbm how to switch to Stratum automatically. You should see message about switching to Stratum in the console.
September 19, 2012, 02:17:09 PM |
All of a sudden one of my workers isn't getting any shares through, the miner is working fine, but every time a share is submitted the proxy log says that it was rejected by the pool and my "worker is not authorized"
As far as I know, nothing has changed. I did just recently download the latest version of the proxy, but I'm pretty sure it had been working for several hours, and just in the last hour or so it started doing this...
Yes, this is quite interesting. I have similar bug report by another user. However I'm running latest proxy version overnight and don't see any problem. What miner are you using? That machine was using Guiminer w/ OpenCL. Not exactly sure which version, cause I don't have the machine in front of me right now, but if I had to guess I would say it's probably the most recent version.
If I help you out: 17QatvSdciyv2zsdAbphDEUzST1S6x46c3 References ( 50051.20 50051.100 53668.0 53788.0 53571.0 53571.0 52212.0 50729.0 114804.0 115468 78106 69061 58572 54747
slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
September 19, 2012, 03:53:20 PM |
digital, please PM me with some logs if you'll see such bug again. I understand it's quite annoying, but I need some log or error message to debug&fix it.
Activity: 2030
Merit: 1000
My money; Our Bitcoin.
September 19, 2012, 04:55:19 PM |
I live in Western Canada... is one of those better than another for my location?
I set it back to poclbm.exe [userdeatils] -d0 -v -w128 -f1
The way I had it before trying Stratum, although now I am using the new version of poclbm.exe.
In new poclbm, you should see some informational message that it is switching to stratum, correct? Yes it says something like, "diverting to stratum". Both proxy and native support will work good, except that with native support in miner you don't need to run special software on the machine.
I see, so one doesn't need that mining_proxy.exe anymore with this new version of poclbm. Thanks for the info.
September 19, 2012, 05:57:30 PM |
digital, please PM me with some logs if you'll see such bug again. I understand it's quite annoying, but I need some log or error message to debug&fix it.
No problem, I'm happy to help. If it pops up again i'll definitely send you over the logs...
If I help you out: 17QatvSdciyv2zsdAbphDEUzST1S6x46c3 References ( 50051.20 50051.100 53668.0 53788.0 53571.0 53571.0 52212.0 50729.0 114804.0 115468 78106 69061 58572 54747
September 20, 2012, 05:00:50 AM |
Hi Slush,
Can you tell us more about the democratic mining you propose? Would that give miners the ability to select which transactions go into a block?
Re: "I already have some ideas for Stratum mining protocol extension, where miners will be able to suggest their own merkle branch (I call it internally “democratic mining”), which will solve such issues as centralized selection of transactions. For now I decided to focus on such a solution, which will fit to majority of miners and do some extensions later."
"The difference between a castle and a prison is only a question of who holds the keys."