Why is it when people want to discuss the topic at hand we get boki instead. Looks like my report stats move from 14 at 100% to 15 at 100% *sigh*
Anyway we had some speculation about 20 new masternodes. Is there any way to confirm if these have been created? Like can we check some stats on the network for number of masternodes or are they similar to Paycoins super staker addresses that dont do anything beyond grab a bigger reward?
Slack is a dead end as it (conveniently?) only keeps 10k messages. Makes me suspect yet again they dont keep a forum for a reason lol
Also it sounds like the game has been pushed back yet again?
Because some clowns do not discuss, they want everybody to follow their opinion and they think they can achive it by lame intimidation, bad executed and failed threats in public and non public, shitting around, spreading lies, .... And maybe the reason could be that if people commit crime, which Alexandra Morgan did with all the doxxing and so on, she was even shown Californian law paragraphs about identity theft and usage. Then we have some blind (because they dont want to see) mods who ignore it and twist to some crap.
Same users are only attacking and behaving like they call "Piece of shit".
I did not interfere any usefull discussion. I interfere if some trolls of this thread continue trolling and shitting around, mainly harrasing bitcointalk users. Dont ask me why moderation and administration allows it and more secret question is why do the want it, even bigger question: Why are they involved?, what do you think, is their goal to reduce their active customerbase (userbase)? I hope you know the answer, I dont.
Talk about ION, ask questions or just leave. Talking about Alexandra, Boris and some supporter from NY, no it is not about ION. You dont complain about giveaway of suchmoon in this thread? Do you know that giveaways without clear permission of thread starter (OP, Dev, whoever this double meaning should be). There was no permission, this fact was ignored, as well as the other fact that it was XPY giveaway in ION coin. If you are smartass like others, show me that XPY's blockchain is the same as ION's, it should not be hard I think if you are sure that ION is XPY. Actually most existing rules were broken, did you complain about them?
Do you think moderation does not know it or does not see it? Stupid or, of course they know and allow it with no explanation, probably some moderator gave his/her ok for this giveaway which clearly shouldnt have taken place in this thread. Now, did you complain about all this and what is going on? Why do you complain about me, just because I stopped this ugly gangabang orgy involving everbody, this party seems not to be that funny for party starters.
Back to you, if you dont want boki15 to post, why do you ask or comment on me? BTW, why do you complain about me, do you enjoy suchmoon and others calling piece of shit
Not to forget involvement of another mod where they opened a thread in my name, spreading lies. How do you like, you love it or? Why? Just because you dont like my opinion. Now we are back at the point of intimidation, mass mobbing, .....
So please, if you want to discuss about ION, do it and dont forget to report correctly, not by double standards which became standard here. What a bunch of CryptoDolls, CryptoLols sounds nice too.