spielt keine Rolle, sie benutzten den Bitcoin nur
Das Geld kommt aus dem Westen, Deutschland hat zugelegt ...
1 United States 1906 (34.05%)
2 Germany 740 (13.22%)
3 France 414 (7.40%)
4 Netherlands 328 (5.86%)
5 Canada 277 (4.95%)
1 /Satoshi:0.11.2/ 2385 (42.55%)
2 /Satoshi:0.11.0/ 613 (10.94%)
3 /Satoshi:0.11.1/ 412 (7.35%)
4 /Bitcoin XT:0.11.0D/ 333 (5.94%)
5 /Satoshi:0.10.2/
gesponsort von meinen Gedanken ist die Erhöhung des Blockchain nicht notwendig.. Wenn wir den BTC als Aktiv Geld sehen.
Denn eine TX ist wahr oder? Es spielt doch keine Rolle wann der Bestand erzeugt wird, laut Buchhaltung nur das er 100% eintrifft.
Eine erzeugte TX ist also ein definitiver Wert auf der Aktiv-Seite, oder denk ich falsch?
Besser als das aktuelle Passiv Geld, in dem nicht garantiert werden kann, das die Aktiv Seite tatsächlich gefüllt wird, Thema Kreditausfälle.
Ich müsste also nicht den BTC ändern sondern die Software die diesen verwaltet (wallet). Die Software sollte mit diesen TX als wahre Buchung arbeiten können. Wann der Bestand gebucht wird ist irrelvant, da er definitv gebucht wird. So könnten die Transaktionen in den Umsatz schwächeren Zeiten abgearbeitet werden, wärend sie in den stärkeren Zeit eben hängen bleiben. Damit würde sich die Effktivität des Netzwerkes erhöhen. Oder? hab das gestern mal versucht dort einzubringen, ich weiß nicht ob man mich verstanden hat, gab aber einige Rückfragen
gerade gelesen, da sprechen die Buchhalter
PwC launches new global technology team to harness Bitcoin technology
While there is continued debate over the role of Bitcoin as a mainstream “currency,” the underlying blockchain technology, which consists of "blocks" of data in a digital ledger, is believed to be highly resistant to malicious tampering.
The NASDAQ exchange is currently using a blockchain-based system to record trades in privately held companies, while Bank of England research suggests that blockchains could have far-reaching implications for the financial industry.
The UK’s technology sector is increasingly focusing on FinTech as offering radical and disruptive solutions to existing business models. The sector raised a record $3.6 billion of venture capital in 2015, with the FinTech sector accounting for almost a quarter of all investment raised by London-based tech companies.
However the impact of Blockchain is still underestimated by many in the financial services industry. PwC’s forthcoming Global Fintech survey polled 545 leading asset managers, FinTech businesses and key players in banks, fund transfer payment companies and insurers. Only 9% of asset managers are very familiar and just under 3 in 10 are not at all familiar with blockchain, the survey will say.
Welcoming the creation of the PwC Blockchain team, Ashley Unwin, PwC UK Executive Board member and UK and EMEA consulting leader, said blockchain technology could be the single greatest advance in the FinTech sector in a decade:
“Blockchain technology is worrying major players in the financial services industry as they don’t know where it will go or its potential to disrupt business models. However, in document delivery and settlement processing alone, it will offer significant cost reduction and efficiency gains.
“We are confident that these disruptive FinTech technologies will trigger a huge increase in demand for blockchain expertise and we intend to be a leader in exploiting these disruptive new technologies.”ähm
Wall Street’s Settling House Points Industry toward the Bitcoin Blockchain
The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), the post-trade clearing and settlement service that powers every single trade in the $22 trillion U.S. stock market has called for an industry-wide collaboration to adopt blockchain technology. Lawmakers Propose Equality For Cryptocurrency Transmitters
Lawmakers in the State of Wyoming have proposed a bill to require
that cryptocurrency be treated the same as fiat currency under the state's money transmitter's act, according to the Wyoming Tribune Eagle. The purpose of the bill is to encourage bitcoin-friendly companies to want to do business in the state. Under the current law