July 22, 2016, 07:24:56 PM |
Hi! I want to poolmine ETH and solo-mine for SIA, But how to do mining with 4 rigs to the one wallet for solo? In the onther words do I have to bother pointing all rigs at one Sia wallet or just start the separate deamon at every rig? Also What if any of my rigs go offline for any reason and the block was not yet found.. does it mean I have lost all work done it will impact solomining in any negative ways?
Thank you! peace
Activity: 1797
Merit: 1028
July 22, 2016, 08:25:56 PM |
Hi! I want to poolmine ETH and solo-mine for SIA, But how to do mining with 4 rigs to the one wallet for solo? In the onther words do I have to bother pointing all rigs at one Sia wallet or just start the separate deamon at every rig? Also What if any of my rigs go offline for any reason and the block was not yet found.. does it mean I have lost all work done it will impact solomining in any negative ways?
Thank you! peace
ONE SIA WALLET FOR YOUR LAN-- Point all of your rigs to a single LAN address where the wallet is installed. That will combine all your hash, and decrease the Time-To-Find (TTF) a Sia block. Now, if you install multiple wallets, one per rig, it still works. It just seems more complicated. Your choice. If your rigs are not stable, multiple wallets may be a better bet.
July 22, 2016, 08:46:00 PM |
Hi! I want to poolmine ETH and solo-mine for SIA, But how to do mining with 4 rigs to the one wallet for solo? In the onther words do I have to bother pointing all rigs at one Sia wallet or just start the separate deamon at every rig? Also What if any of my rigs go offline for any reason and the block was not yet found.. does it mean I have lost all work done it will impact solomining in any negative ways?
Thank you! peace
ONE SIA WALLET FOR YOUR LAN-- Point all of your rigs to a single LAN address where the wallet is installed. That will combine all your hash, and decrease the Time-To-Find (TTF) a Sia block. Now, if you install multiple wallets, one per rig, it still works. It just seems more complicated. Your choice. If your rigs are not stable, multiple wallets may be a better bet. As a word of warning, solomining for Sia while dual mining is going to give you a VERY high TTF. If you are hashing at 2GH/s with Sia, your average TTF is 45 days. With some bad luck, you could go months without finding a block, and not getting paid during that time.
| -- First PPS SiaMining Pool! 3%, VarDiff, Stratum Support
July 22, 2016, 08:52:45 PM |
with remote manager, the applied settings from config.txt should apply automatically? no miner restart or anything needed? Somehow this function doesnt work for me, just says in miner window that config.txt has been applied but nothing changes.
If you send a new config file using the remote manager I believe you need to restart miner to apply the new config settings. @BenSF is correct. When you update your config.txt using the remote manager you need to restart the miner for settings to take effect. Claymore miner only reads the config file when the miner starts. That's why there is a "restart miner" option in the remote manager.
Activity: 82
Merit: 0
July 22, 2016, 11:18:16 PM |
Pls make a stratum for SIA , Mr. Claymore sir.
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
July 23, 2016, 07:47:04 AM |
First of all, thank you for the great Miner, Claymore. Anybody tried the CDM working with parity Node ? I always got following error when i send rpc request via CDM. When i fill in the Request in the Web Frontend it works. 09:33:49:860 19c8 commandline: EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -allcoins 1 09:33:49:864 19c8 09:33:49:870 19c8 ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» 09:33:49:877 19c8 º Claymore's Dual ETH + DCR/SC AMD GPU Miner v5.0 Beta º 09:33:49:882 19c8 ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ 09:33:49:887 19c8 09:33:50:095 19c8 ETH: 1 pool is specified 09:33:50:100 19c8 Main Ethereum pool is 09:33:50:107 19c8 DCR: 0 pool is specified 09:33:51:233 19c8 OpenCL platform: Intel(R) OpenCL 09:33:51:236 19c8 OpenCL platform: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing 09:33:51:239 19c8 Cards available: 6 09:33:51:243 19c8 GPU #0: name: Hawaii, 8192 MB available, 40 compute units 09:33:51:246 19c8 GPU #1: name: Hawaii, 8192 MB available, 40 compute units 09:33:51:250 19c8 GPU #2: name: Hawaii, 8192 MB available, 40 compute units 09:33:51:253 19c8 GPU #3: name: Hawaii, 8192 MB available, 40 compute units 09:33:51:265 19c8 GPU #4: name: Hawaii, 8192 MB available, 40 compute units 09:33:51:269 19c8 GPU #5: name: Hawaii, 8192 MB available, 40 compute units 09:33:51:273 19c8 Total cards: 6 09:33:51:280 19c8 Initializing...
09:33:51:283 19c8 GPU #0 recognized as Radeon 390 09:33:51:286 19c8 GPU #1 recognized as Radeon 390 09:33:51:290 19c8 GPU #2 recognized as Radeon 390 09:33:51:316 19c8 GPU #3 recognized as Radeon 390 09:33:51:324 19c8 GPU #4 recognized as Radeon 390 09:33:51:328 19c8 GPU #5 recognized as Radeon 390 09:33:51:332 19c8 POOL/SOLO version 09:33:51:335 19c8 b167 09:33:51:345 19c8 start building OpenCL program... 09:33:53:093 19c8 done 09:33:53:097 19c8 GPU #0: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards) 09:33:53:104 19c8 GPU #1: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards) 09:33:53:110 19c8 GPU #2: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards) 09:33:53:121 19c8 GPU #3: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards) 09:33:53:125 19c8 GPU #4: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards) 09:33:53:130 19c8 GPU #5: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards) 09:33:53:322 b58 ETH - connecting to 09:33:53:325 b58 http send request: {"method": "eth_getWork", "params": [], "id":0} 09:33:53:330 b58 http got answer: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":-32600,"message":"Invalid request","data":null},"id":null}
09:33:53:335 b58 ETH: Connected ( 09:33:53:338 b58 parse packet: 91 09:33:53:343 b58 ETH: Received error: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":-32600,"message":"Invalid request","data":null},"id":null}
09:33:53:347 b58 new buf size: 0 09:33:53:421 19c8 No pool specified for Decred! Ethereum-only mining mode is enabled
09:33:53:427 19c8 ETHEREUM-ONLY MINING MODE ENABLED (-mode 1)
09:33:53:434 19c8 ETH: HTTP SOLO mode 09:33:53:438 19c8 Ethereum HTTP requests time (-etht) is set to 200 ms
09:33:53:455 19c8 "-allcoins" option is set, default pools will be used for devfee, check "Readme" file for details. 09:33:53:463 19c8 Watchdog enabled 09:33:53:467 19c8 Remote management is enabled on port 3333 09:33:53:471 19c8
Thank you for your help 
July 23, 2016, 08:21:18 AM |
I've been searching through this post on how to run claymore on miningrigrentals, but somehow i couldn't find any of the post that is helpful. this is the code that i've used EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal hasher87.30677 -epsw x -eworker rig1 -allpools 1 and below is what i got GPU #0 recognized as Radeon RX 480 GPU #1 recognized as Radeon RX 480 POOL/SOLO version GPU #0: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards) GPU #1: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards) ETH: Stratum - connecting to '' <> port 3333 ETH: Stratum - Connected ( No pool specified for Decred! Ethereum-only mining mode is enabled ETHEREUM-ONLY MINING MODE ENABLED (-mode 1) ETH: eth-proxy stratum mode "-allpools" option is set, default pools can be used for devfee, check "Readme" file for details. Watchdog enabled Remote management is enabled on port 3333
ETH: Job timeout, disconnect, retry in 20 sec... appreciate if someone has the solutions to it  try to change -esm value with 1, 2 or 3. -esm Ethereum Stratum mode. 0 - eth-proxy mode (for example,, 1 - qtminer mode (for example,, 2 - miner-proxy mode (for example,, 3 - nicehash mode. 0 is default. and add -mode 1 to disable decred dual mining as you seem not to use it. tried out accordingly, but this is what i got so far, 18:11:29:585 11e8 GPU #0: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards) 18:11:29:588 11e8 GPU #1: set -etha as 0 (ETH algo for fast cards) 18:11:29:708 830 ETH: Stratum - connecting to '' <> port 3333 18:11:29:728 11e8 ETHEREUM-ONLY MINING MODE ENABLED (-mode 1)
18:11:29:734 11e8 ETH: qtminer stratum mode 18:11:29:743 830 send: {"id":2,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_login","params":["hasher87.30677","x"]}
18:11:29:744 11e8 "-allpools" option is set, default pools can be used for devfee, check "Readme" file for details. 18:11:29:756 830 ETH: Stratum - Connected ( 18:11:29:762 11e8 Watchdog enabled 18:11:29:769 11e8 Remote management is enabled on port 3333 18:11:29:774 11e8
18:11:32:785 11e8 Unsupported Overdrive version 7 18:11:33:073 830 checkread timeout 18:11:35:794 11e8 Unsupported Overdrive version 7 18:11:36:394 830 checkread timeout 18:11:38:800 11e8 Unsupported Overdrive version 7 18:11:39:710 830 checkread timeout 18:11:41:808 11e8 Unsupported Overdrive version 7 18:11:43:031 830 checkread timeout 18:11:44:814 11e8 Unsupported Overdrive version 7 18:11:46:352 830 checkread timeout 18:11:47:821 11e8 Unsupported Overdrive version 7 18:11:49:673 830 checkread timeout 18:11:50:831 11e8 Unsupported Overdrive version 7 18:11:52:990 830 checkread timeout 18:11:53:843 11e8 Unsupported Overdrive version 7 18:11:56:309 830 checkread timeout 18:11:56:853 11e8 Unsupported Overdrive version 7 18:11:59:630 830 checkread timeout 18:11:59:868 11e8 Unsupported Overdrive version 7 18:11:59:881 11e8 Unsupported Overdrive version 7 18:11:59:890 11e8 em hbt: 30266, fm hbt: 94, 18:11:59:899 11e8 watchdog - thread 0, hb time 63 18:11:59:908 11e8 watchdog - thread 1, hb time 63 18:11:59:917 11e8 watchdog - thread 2, hb time 63 18:11:59:926 11e8 watchdog - thread 3, hb time 63 18:12:02:936 11e8 Unsupported Overdrive version 7 18:12:02:946 830 checkread timeout 18:12:02:957 830 ETH: Job timeout, disconnect, retry in 20 sec... While it does that, my MRR did detect the connectivity, as i received notification soon that my rig is offline, however it doesnt do any hashing
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
July 23, 2016, 08:44:39 AM |
How do you use remote management? I have remote management enabled, I've installed Claymore's Dual Miner Monitor on my phone and I can see hashrates and temperatures. However, if I type the rig's ip and port in a browser, I don't get anything. How can I manage my rig remotely? Also can this mobile app notify you if the rig has stopped mining for some reason?
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
July 23, 2016, 11:33:20 AM |
How do you use remote management? I have remote management enabled, I've installed Claymore's Dual Miner Monitor on my phone and I can see hashrates and temperatures. However, if I type the rig's ip and port in a browser, I don't get anything. How can I manage my rig remotely? Also can this mobile app notify you if the rig has stopped mining for some reason?
The remote management is a raw socket server, not web server. there is no web gui so you cannot access it from browser. In Windows you need to use EthMon.exe provided in the folder inside claymore In Linux you can run it also under wine it works ok. You can also write your own client  it use json format
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1003
July 23, 2016, 03:13:54 PM |
Is there any kernel performance optimization since 4.7?
Activity: 55
Merit: 0
July 23, 2016, 05:55:50 PM |
How do you use remote management? I have remote management enabled, I've installed Claymore's Dual Miner Monitor on my phone and I can see hashrates and temperatures. However, if I type the rig's ip and port in a browser, I don't get anything. How can I manage my rig remotely? Also can this mobile app notify you if the rig has stopped mining for some reason?
The remote management is a raw socket server, not web server. there is no web gui so you cannot access it from browser. In Windows you need to use EthMon.exe provided in the folder inside claymore In Linux you can run it also under wine it works ok. You can also write your own client  it use json format As I understand it's not possible to access miners from external networks? i.e I have to be connected to local network, right? I just can't fill the boxes with my ipv6 address and watch miners?
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
July 23, 2016, 07:18:59 PM |
You can do port forwarding inside your router and open port 3333, but this way it will be accessible to everyone and you should disable management, only monitoring.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
July 23, 2016, 08:44:14 PM |
Should i buy r9 390s or rx 480s ?
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
July 23, 2016, 08:48:02 PM |
July 24, 2016, 03:03:21 AM |
Should i buy r9 390s or rx 480s ?
r9 390
July 24, 2016, 05:37:54 AM |
Should i buy r9 390s or rx 480s ?
Im running on 480 crossfire. So far its pretty good. Card 1 runs at 25Mh/s (due to dual monitor connected, one of it is 4k reso) Card 2 runs at 27.5Mh/s
July 24, 2016, 06:49:06 AM |
Hi all. Someone mining on gtx 960? i get only 1,7 mhs  Should be 10.
Activity: 1537
Merit: 1005
July 24, 2016, 07:42:58 AM |
July 24, 2016, 07:45:25 AM |
Mining ETH or ETC?  Mining ETC is more profitable at the moment. But if there is some kind of 51% attack, it will become unprofitable.
Activity: 1151
Merit: 1001
July 24, 2016, 08:17:08 AM |
One of my cards from time to time get as hot as 80C As i want to keep all cards under 80, i use -tstop 80 But ones the card reaches 80, its stopped from miner and never returned to mining. is there a way to auto-restart it? or I should just use higher value for tstop? Or simply restart the miner from time to time (say -r 60 )