Claymore (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1325
Miners developer
July 08, 2016, 01:16:38 PM |
I got access to private sia pool, so now my miner supports it as well. I will release new version in a couple of hours.
July 08, 2016, 01:18:23 PM |
@Wolf0. You have to flash BIOS to turn down-clocking/volting on
#about SIA mining - what is profitability of this?
I am looking for signature campaign  pm me
July 08, 2016, 01:51:32 PM |
I got access to private sia pool, so now my miner supports it as well. I will release new version in a couple of hours.
open pool
Activity: 2294
Merit: 1182
Now the money is free, and so the people will be
July 08, 2016, 02:09:46 PM |
hmmm that hashrate on the siapool is spiking like crazy...
Claymore (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1325
Miners developer
July 08, 2016, 02:33:08 PM |
v5.0 Beta:
- added new coin for dual mode: Siacoin. Now you can mine Ethereum, Ethereum+Decred or Ethereum+Siacoin. - added "-dcoin" option to select a coin for dual mode. - added "-allcoins exp" option value that allows you to mine Expanse and don't recreate DAG for devfee mining. - added Decred support for Nicehash pool. - default "-dcrt" option value is "5" now. - improved detection of bad pool state: miner will disconnect if pool rejected more than a half of last 10 shares. - "s" key: now miner also shows current difficulty so you can calculate how long it will take to find a share or a block. - bug fixes.
Activity: 2294
Merit: 1182
Now the money is free, and so the people will be
July 08, 2016, 02:40:17 PM Last edit: July 08, 2016, 03:02:04 PM by fr4nkthetank |
I'm getting crashing at startup when init the dag files. tried gser 2 to no avail. previous versions were fine. edit: now miner crashes even though i reverted to previous working version. ah crap.
July 08, 2016, 02:46:14 PM |
@Wolf0. You have to flash BIOS to turn down-clocking/volting on
#about SIA mining - what is profitability of this?
No, you really don't. I need to to downvolt, but not to downclock. What are you smoking? I am confused now, I am afraid..  I personally noticed that down-clocking nor -volting doesn't work on my cards: 280x 370 380x and many miners confirmed that fact and last quote was about 380 If anybody knows a way to down-clock this cards without flashing BIOS I will be gratefull  And I would ask once again: What is profatibily of dual mining Eth/Sia coin f.e with 380x (20mhs ethash)
I am looking for signature campaign  pm me
July 08, 2016, 03:19:04 PM |
Diff is showing 2000mh. How the hell do i calculate that?
July 08, 2016, 03:35:54 PM Last edit: July 08, 2016, 04:17:21 PM by Tmdz |
"incorrect job data size" when I ran the dual miner with Sia , maybe the problem is on the pool side? I used the example to input my own settings for wallet worker etc.
Edit that error is for sia, eth mines fine.
Ok got it working
July 08, 2016, 03:57:06 PM |
When using remote monitoring...
Is there a reason why I can't see GPU Temperatures on some of my rigs?
Claymore (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1325
Miners developer
July 08, 2016, 03:59:07 PM |
Diff is showing 2000mh. How the hell do i calculate that?
Examples: ETH: Diff 2000MH. It means that miner must check 2000M hashes to find a share, in average. So if your speed is 20MH/sec it will find a share every 100 seconds, in average. Same for SIA: Diff 50GH. It means that if your Sia mining speed is 1GH/s you will find shares every 50 seconds, in average. When you mine Sia solo, Diff is about 4000000GH. So if your mining speed is 1GH/s you will solve blocks every 4000000 seconds (about 46 days), in average.
July 08, 2016, 04:02:59 PM |
Thanks for clearing that up. 
July 08, 2016, 04:11:14 PM |
@Wolf0. You have to flash BIOS to turn down-clocking/volting on
#about SIA mining - what is profitability of this?
No, you really don't. I need to to downvolt, but not to downclock. What are you smoking? I am confused now, I am afraid..  I personally noticed that down-clocking nor -volting doesn't work on my cards: 280x 370 380x and many miners confirmed that fact and last quote was about 380 If anybody knows a way to down-clock this cards without flashing BIOS I will be gratefull  Well, aticonfig does it for me. Although I use SGMiner with Eth right now - API, more stable, more easily supports my custom assembly kernels, and has better ADL support, at least somewhat (I think.) I have to try it. Last time I have tried on windows and it changed values only on screen, power meter haven't confirmed that.
I am looking for signature campaign  pm me
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
July 08, 2016, 04:33:20 PM |
This may be a dumb question, but; what is the best way to update to the new version? Save .bat files, delete the old version, and download the new one? Or is there a better way?
July 08, 2016, 04:34:41 PM |
On most of AMD cards downclocking/unedrvolting is disable  Not true. Every card can be downvolted and downclocked vie software except Gigabyte (downvolt).
July 08, 2016, 04:35:08 PM |
v5.0 Beta:
- added new coin for dual mode: Siacoin. Now you can mine Ethereum, Ethereum+Decred or Ethereum+Siacoin. - added "-dcoin" option to select a coin for dual mode. - added "-allcoins exp" option value that allows you to mine Expanse and don't recreate DAG for devfee mining. - added Decred support for Nicehash pool. - default "-dcrt" option value is "5" now. - improved detection of bad pool state: miner will disconnect if pool rejected more than a half of last 10 shares. - "s" key: now miner also shows current difficulty so you can calculate how long it will take to find a share or a block. - bug fixes.
Why not Prime coin? 
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
July 08, 2016, 04:45:52 PM |
Why not Prime coin?  I think many cards will die from Primecoin 

Activity: 96
Merit: 10
July 08, 2016, 04:55:45 PM |
On most of AMD cards downclocking/unedrvolting is disable  Not true. Every card can be downvolted and downclocked vie software except Gigabyte (downvolt). Really? I have too many of them gigbytes  And yes, all others i tried have succeeded  But if u cant downvolt then overclock. +50MHz comes easy.
July 08, 2016, 05:26:02 PM |
Best to do both, but yeah, I agree.
Can someone point me to some newbie instructions? I have 8x 380s and in Afterburner the settings are all locked.  I know there are other ways around it. I just need to be pointed in the right direction.
July 08, 2016, 05:37:52 PM |
Hey Claymore.
I love the addition of more coins/algos.
Are you having others in your sight aswell? I guess it should be a light algo to go with eth? How about the blakes?