Activity: 19
Merit: 0
July 14, 2016, 06:45:17 PM |
Anyone have a way to automate the testing and recording of each DCRI benchmark
It should not be difficult. I use a nodejs utility to fetch stats from miner rigs and provide JSON data for web page . It's possible to add a code to update miner config since the API exists. I think, miner restart will be necessary after each change, thought, so fetching stats will take some time. But the idea is great. Hope the calc is open source. Could I increment through DCRI settings using a batch or bash file (windows or Linux) and save the resulting ETH and SC MH/s values to a log file? Anyone know how to write that command? Also here is a link to my google doc for one of my rigs DCRI calculator:
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
July 14, 2016, 06:45:53 PM |
Where exactly in the command line is the best place to add a command? ( -dcri, -ttdcr, etc.)I am trying to decrease the over all intensity as a means to cool the cards. No matter where I place them it seems to make no difference.... temps go right back to the same. I should mention its been a 105+ heat index here last 2 weeks!  Feel free to post your "cool" command line.... I don't care if I mine a few less coins, just don't want to burn up my gear dual mining  I put it there in bold. commandline: EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal WALLET.JEWMINER1 -ethi 4 -epsw x -dpool "" -dcoin sia
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1000
July 14, 2016, 06:46:38 PM |
Guess I was looking at the password x after -ethi 4 instead of: epsw x -ethi 4 ok, that's the way mine is set  Setting up mine, I had to tweak various miner rigs and suddenly they wouldn't run right... and go back and see a missed - or a space lol Yea I dont know what it could be, runs fine with just ETH mining.. I have reinstalled drivers and everything still nothing. Also, yesterday I had a rig that kept crashing maybe after a few hours or so... kinda random. So I swapped out a hard drive and struggled to get past the dag updates on that one. Finally it occurred to me on the first hard drive (which had been working fine with just eth miner) that I had not gone back and reset the virtual memory too 16GB. After doing that my original hard drive has been working fine with no crashes since upping the VM. Ok, just another thought lol
*BTC: 1DiR25SPo84sThzTATr27EZEQZLt6hv6tG
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
July 14, 2016, 06:50:20 PM |
I'm running 280x. I get
ETH@18.x MH + SC@220 MH with DCRI 35. ETH@17.x MH + SC@420 MH with DCRI 50.
That's major improvement for small ETH drop. There's no reject.
I've put two rigs to mine ETH + Solo SC. The problem I'm getting now is that there is no shares being submitted but I can see my SIA GUI block height increasing. I'm not sure if it's actually mining or not....
Did you keep you card stock settings? No over/under clocking/voltage? Almost all my cards are undervolted. Most of them running at 1000/1500. Some cards give 18+ some cards give 17+. 6 cards draw 1300+W on the wall with 1200W Platinum PSU.
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1000
July 14, 2016, 07:29:26 PM |
Guess I was looking at the password x after -ethi 4 instead of: epsw x -ethi 4 ok, that's the way mine is set  Setting up mine, I had to tweak various miner rigs and suddenly they wouldn't run right... and go back and see a missed - or a space lol Yea I dont know what it could be, runs fine with just ETH mining.. I have reinstalled drivers and everything still nothing. Also, yesterday I had a rig that kept crashing maybe after a few hours or so... kinda random. So I swapped out a hard drive and struggled to get past the dag updates on that one. Finally it occurred to me on the first hard drive (which had been working fine with just eth miner) that I had not gone back and reset the virtual memory too 16GB. After doing that my original hard drive has been working fine with no crashes since upping the VM. Ok, just another thought lol Hey I see that, not how I was doing it. Will try that! THX
*BTC: 1DiR25SPo84sThzTATr27EZEQZLt6hv6tG
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
July 14, 2016, 07:32:44 PM |
Is there a list of API commands that can be used to control a miner remotely? I would like to increment DCRI with the "+" key as if I was manually interacting with with terminal (CMD) window
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1000
July 14, 2016, 07:38:13 PM |
Guess I was looking at the password x after -ethi 4 instead of: epsw x -ethi 4 ok, that's the way mine is set  Setting up mine, I had to tweak various miner rigs and suddenly they wouldn't run right... and go back and see a missed - or a space lol Yea I dont know what it could be, runs fine with just ETH mining.. I have reinstalled drivers and everything still nothing. Also, yesterday I had a rig that kept crashing maybe after a few hours or so... kinda random. So I swapped out a hard drive and struggled to get past the dag updates on that one. Finally it occurred to me on the first hard drive (which had been working fine with just eth miner) that I had not gone back and reset the virtual memory too 16GB. After doing that my original hard drive has been working fine with no crashes since upping the VM. Ok, just another thought lol Hey I see that, not how I was doing it. Will try that! THX FIX MY PROBLEM NOW LOL lol, Ill keep think'n! 
*BTC: 1DiR25SPo84sThzTATr27EZEQZLt6hv6tG
July 14, 2016, 08:25:18 PM |
You are comparing a dual miner to a single coin miner, there's a big difference. Edit: For example, when I single mined SIA with my (6) rx480 underclocked, it was about 4400mhs total, so about 733mhs each underclocked. But if I dual coin mine eth+sia, my SIA was only about 300mhs each if i remembered. SIA is based on the GPU, not the memory, so it was generating too much heat for me in my garage, so I just stuck with eth only, since it's memory intensive and doesn't generate that much heat as SIA mining. From my experience, memory intensive mining does not generate that much heat as gpu core intensive mining.
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1000
July 14, 2016, 08:33:50 PM |
ok, we got er done!~ lol went with -ttdcr 75 before the espw it is keeping 290's at 79-80c much better than 83-85  same with 7970's and 380s Eth side hashing even higher now ( because I think cards are cooler ) but I am seeing a lower hash on Sia, avg. with connected miners has fallen off about 250MH. So it works! after things cool down I expect all hash to be normal. 
*BTC: 1DiR25SPo84sThzTATr27EZEQZLt6hv6tG
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
July 14, 2016, 09:27:53 PM |
With a WIN7 PC running just GETH and Claymore, why is there several hundred megabytes of disk space consumed every day?
If you point miner on geth than logs (-dbg 0 or -dbg 1 parameter) grow quick enough (about 3-4 Mb/hour). The 2nd disk hungry monster is blockchain database (try to look in c:\users\(your user)\appdata\ethereum). Logs can be swith off (RTFM is a right habbit)))), but blockchain db should be kept. You cannot mine solo otherwise. Thanks, so I will run Claymore with -dbg 1 parameter to stop logs If I don't want to mine solo I can delete c:\users\(your user)\appdata\ethereum? Yes, -dbg -1 turns logs off. Readme!!! (in the miner's package) describes all the things quite good even for my crank/scrappy English)) If you delete this directory you will loose control over your local Eth address(-es) (subfolder keystore needs to backup at least). The one more reason - you will be unable to make any outcoming transaction via geth or Mist (gui shell of geth, by the way). Read something about cloud storages, VPS'es or maybe NAS (network area storage). Or buy one more HDD or flash. Used hardware has moderate (or even cheap) cost.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1011
July 14, 2016, 09:48:18 PM |
What about ETH solo/Siacoin solo ?
July 14, 2016, 10:58:41 PM |
Im buyng some Gpus for my new rig.
Did r290x have much more power than r9 290?
Or same thing for mining?
July 14, 2016, 11:24:11 PM |
Is there a list of API commands that can be used to control a miner remotely? I would like to increment DCRI with the "+" key as if I was manually interacting with with terminal (CMD) window
As I already wrote you, you can update whole config and restart the miner remotely (Claymore suggested to use wireshark to catch JSON requests/responses for API requests). But I believe there is no way to change -dcri remotely without restarting the miner. It might be done for you if you ask him nicely 
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1000
July 15, 2016, 01:05:48 AM |
Im buyng some Gpus for my new rig.
Did r290x have much more power than r9 290?
Or same thing for mining?
I picked 3 x 290s a couple months ago, at stock settings I hash about 25 MH. I expect a 290x you might see 28... have to weigh the cost up front. I got mine for 179.00 each. Now, mine are reference coolers... and sapphires, they suck! lol noisy and they run hot! but they have made me some money and perform good, do what I bought them for. Not sure if they make a dual fan 290x... but go with that if they do. Will be much quieter and cooler. Pull about 1000 watts on a 3 rig system. A cheap 1200 watt will suffice
*BTC: 1DiR25SPo84sThzTATr27EZEQZLt6hv6tG
July 15, 2016, 01:49:02 AM |
Im buyng some Gpus for my new rig.
Did r290x have much more power than r9 290?
Or same thing for mining?
I picked 3 x 290s a couple months ago, at stock settings I hash about 25 MH. I expect a 290x you might see 28... have to weigh the cost up front. I got mine for 179.00 each. Now, mine are reference coolers... and sapphires, they suck! lol noisy and they run hot! but they have made me some money and perform good, do what I bought them for. Not sure if they make a dual fan 290x... but go with that if they do. Will be much quieter and cooler. Pull about 1000 watts on a 3 rig system. A cheap 1200 watt will suffice Undervolt and you will save a ton of electricity, also you could overclock the core gpu and get more MH, they will hash up to 29 mh with a overclock. 290X is just a "factory" overclocked 290.
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1000
July 15, 2016, 02:25:01 AM |
Im buyng some Gpus for my new rig.
Did r290x have much more power than r9 290?
Or same thing for mining?
I picked 3 x 290s a couple months ago, at stock settings I hash about 25 MH. I expect a 290x you might see 28... have to weigh the cost up front. I got mine for 179.00 each. Now, mine are reference coolers... and sapphires, they suck! lol noisy and they run hot! but they have made me some money and perform good, do what I bought them for. Not sure if they make a dual fan 290x... but go with that if they do. Will be much quieter and cooler. Pull about 1000 watts on a 3 rig system. A cheap 1200 watt will suffice Undervolt and you will save a ton of electricity, also you could overclock the core gpu and get more MH, they will hash up to 29 mh with a overclock. 290X is just a "factory" overclocked 290. Ya I did undervolt some to cool them down a bit, but seemed to throw more stale shares and efficiency seem to falter. However I didn't really play with that all that much and relate the memory clocks too. I should add, they only ran real hot with claymore lol, normal eth miner was ok, but hotter than dual fan gpu's. But corrected that with -ttdcr mod in command line. Actually I may go back and tinker with undervolting, my electric bill kills me! 
*BTC: 1DiR25SPo84sThzTATr27EZEQZLt6hv6tG
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
July 15, 2016, 05:17:32 AM |
What about ETH solo/Siacoin solo ?
You should test it by your own. I haven't sufficient powers unfortunately.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1011
July 15, 2016, 05:51:45 AM |
What about ETH solo/Siacoin solo ?
You should test it by your own. I haven't sufficient powers unfortunately. Are you serious ? How i can test Siacoin solo if it even not implemented. Waiting for block will never be found or accepted. Re-read my msg. Right now Siacoin solo is not supported as i see in ver. description.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
July 15, 2016, 05:54:23 AM |
What about ETH solo/Siacoin solo ?
You should test it by your own. I haven't sufficient powers unfortunately. Are you serious ? How i can test Siacoin solo if it even not implemented. Waiting for block will never be found or accepted. Re-read my msg. Right now Siacoin solo is not supported as i see in ver. description. Try -dcri 500 to basically solo mine SC