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Author Topic: Claymore's Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v15.0 (Windows/Linux)  (Read 6590915 times)
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July 06, 2016, 10:36:38 PM

i just wanna ask what is the best vga card for mining who has psu 650 wats only? and are there website for calculate it. thank you very much.
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July 06, 2016, 10:44:52 PM

i just wanna ask what is the best vga card for mining who has psu 650 wats only? and are there website for calculate it. thank you very much.

depends on the pcie wires on the psu.  I know two rx 480's will run and the pc will use only 340 watts.  you need two separate pcie wires

@ claymore thank for this software it runs my 2 new rx 480's very well

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July 06, 2016, 11:31:07 PM

After some testing with rx480 I noticed that the miner does not show a stable hashrate. The best is ETH: 27Mh/s / DCR: 405 Mh/s but throttles down to 21 Mh/s / 320 Mh/s and stay in between very often.

Miner is 4.7 with default settings.
I tuned the GPU to avoid frequency throttling with:
GPU freq: default
RAM freq: 2250Mhz
Voltages: CPU near 1v (1010mV in wattman) and ram 975mV (set manual)
PowerLimit: +20%

...100W  Grin

check this gpu-z screenshot ->

i see this behaviour too on RX480 unter Linux with useing amdgpu-pro-driver-16.30.3.

@Claymore: any plans for linux amdgpu-pro driver support with new RX480 cards ?


@Claymore do you have some information regarding linux and rx480 with your miner ?
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July 07, 2016, 01:52:22 AM

Juste received 3 R9 290 4Gb.
GPUZ shows 4Gb.
Miner shows 3Gb only. Any incidence ?

did you load the environment variables.  for linux add export in front of all these and setx on windows. 


just search one of those lines and you will find many posts about this

Best Regards

As in nature, all is ebb and tide, all is wave motion, so it seems that in all branches of industry, alternating currents - electric wave motion - will have the sway. ~Nikola Tesla~
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July 07, 2016, 04:15:29 AM


I have two rig with R9 380, with same hardware spec.  
Runing on Ubuntu 14.04, with fglrx 15.302 ( equal to 15.12 )

First Rig is using : genoil ethminer -> eth-proxy -> dwarfpool,  in dwarfpool status page calc hash rate : 129.71, sent hashrate : 125.83
Second Rig is using : claymore > dwarfpool, in dwarfpool status  page calc hash rate : 125.62, sent hashrate : 118.69

Thats like 5 to 6 percent decrease.
all gpu variable already set according to your manual.

This is claymore config
-esm 0
-erate 1
-ethi -16384
-mode 1
-tt -80
-tstop 80
-r 0
-dbg -1

This is ethminer config
./ethminer -G --opencl-platform 0 --opencl-devices 0 1 2 3 4 5 -F --cl-local-work 256 --cl-global-work 8192

Is there something wrong with my claymore config, also is it possible to set cl-local-work in claymore ?
I test both miner to switch mining software, the result is the same claymore has 5-6% lower hashrate
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July 07, 2016, 04:19:31 AM

Juste received 3 R9 290 4Gb.
GPUZ shows 4Gb.
Miner shows 3Gb only. Any incidence ?

did you load the environment variables.  for linux add export in front of all these and setx on windows. 


just search one of those lines and you will find many posts about this

Best Regards

Usually it's the amd driver, try reinstall it or use the latest one.
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July 07, 2016, 07:21:59 AM

Juste received 3 R9 290 4Gb.
GPUZ shows 4Gb.
Miner shows 3Gb only. Any incidence ?

did you load the environment variables.  for linux add export in front of all these and setx on windows. 


just search one of those lines and you will find many posts about this

Best Regards

Usually it's the amd driver, try reinstall it or use the latest one.

It is the driver. You can install the 15.12 Catalyst driver and see the effects. It is better not to use the latest driver.

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Claymore (OP)
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July 07, 2016, 07:51:48 AM

Is there something wrong with my claymore config, also is it possible to set cl-local-work in claymore ?
I test both miner to switch mining software, the result is the same claymore has 5-6% lower hashrate

Try "-etha 0" and then "-etha 1" to select best mode for your card.

@Claymore do you have some information regarding linux and rx480 with your miner ?

What's wrong with it?

Please read Readme and FAQ in the first post of this thread before asking any questions, probably the answer is already there.
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July 07, 2016, 08:40:37 AM


since i move from Windows 7 64bit to Windows 10 64bit ( I have 2 GPU HD7970 ) using your miner, often, but not always, I just see 1 GPU do u kwon why ?

I use crimson 15.12 and from the panel I can see 2 GPU with no issue at the same time that on miner show and use just 1 GPU.

I have to use some particolar configuration on windows 10 ?
This problem never happen on Windows 7,
do u suggest to downgrade to Windows 7 ?


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July 07, 2016, 09:08:14 AM

Is there something wrong with my claymore config, also is it possible to set cl-local-work in claymore ?
I test both miner to switch mining software, the result is the same claymore has 5-6% lower hashrate

Try "-etha 0" and then "-etha 1" to select best mode for your card.

on Linux I got 120MH/s now, on Windows 10 122MH/s
using genoil-ethminer I can get 125MH/s ( both Win and Linux is the same using this one )
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July 07, 2016, 09:09:55 AM


since i move from Windows 7 64bit to Windows 10 64bit ( I have 2 GPU HD7970 ) using your miner, often, but not always, I just see 1 GPU do u kwon why ?

I use crimson 15.12 and from the panel I can see 2 GPU with no issue at the same time that on miner show and use just 1 GPU.

I have to use some particolar configuration on windows 10 ?
This problem never happen on Windows 7,
do u suggest to downgrade to Windows 7 ?


Try updating/reinstall your driver, and if you access and start your miner from RDP it doesn't work, use VNC instead.
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July 07, 2016, 09:13:23 AM


since i move from Windows 7 64bit to Windows 10 64bit ( I have 2 GPU HD7970 ) using your miner, often, but not always, I just see 1 GPU do u kwon why ?

I use crimson 15.12 and from the panel I can see 2 GPU with no issue at the same time that on miner show and use just 1 GPU.

I have to use some particolar configuration on windows 10 ?
This problem never happen on Windows 7,
do u suggest to downgrade to Windows 7 ?


Try updating/reinstall your driver, and if you access and start your miner from RDP it doesn't work, use VNC instead.

It works well with TeamViewer also.

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July 07, 2016, 10:02:45 AM


since i move from Windows 7 64bit to Windows 10 64bit ( I have 2 GPU HD7970 ) using your miner, often, but not always, I just see 1 GPU do u kwon why ?

I use crimson 15.12 and from the panel I can see 2 GPU with no issue at the same time that on miner show and use just 1 GPU.

I have to use some particolar configuration on windows 10 ?
This problem never happen on Windows 7,
do u suggest to downgrade to Windows 7 ?


Try updating/reinstall your driver, and if you access and start your miner from RDP it doesn't work, use VNC instead.

It works well with TeamViewer also.

It seems work now !!!

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July 07, 2016, 10:33:53 AM

I had a very strange issue. when i start my rig using ethminer on Dwarf for 40Mh/s i got 0.3/daily ethereum for 2 days then it goes to 0.27 same when i switched to that always happened every time i add a new card.
now im on claymore+ethermine with 53 reported hash rate and i can not get more than 0.35 ether/daily
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July 07, 2016, 10:41:18 AM

Juste received 3 R9 290 4Gb.
GPUZ shows 4Gb.
Miner shows 3Gb only. Any incidence ?

did you load the environment variables.  for linux add export in front of all these and setx on windows. 


just search one of those lines and you will find many posts about this

Best Regards

Usually it's the amd driver, try reinstall it or use the latest one.

It is the driver. You can install the 15.12 Catalyst driver and see the effects. It is better not to use the latest driver.

That may be for your setup. For those that like to stay current on drivers can with this miner. I haven't had one issue with drivers and I've updated them every time amd come with update since Crimson 16.2.1.  I agree having the old driver is helpful for claymore to eliminate any sources of issues.  But for me I have had no issues or drop in speed by using the latest drivers. Mostly gained system stability while mining and watching videos etc. to each their own

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As in nature, all is ebb and tide, all is wave motion, so it seems that in all branches of industry, alternating currents - electric wave motion - will have the sway. ~Nikola Tesla~
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July 07, 2016, 11:07:34 AM

I had a very strange issue. when i start my rig using ethminer on Dwarf for 40Mh/s i got 0.3/daily ethereum for 2 days then it goes to 0.27 same when i switched to that always happened every time i add a new card.
now im on claymore+ethermine with 53 reported hash rate and i can not get more than 0.35 ether/daily

Nothing strange about this, as the difficulty increases earnings drop. Just look at the increase of difficulty over time
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July 07, 2016, 11:28:22 AM

I had a very strange issue. when i start my rig using ethminer on Dwarf for 40Mh/s i got 0.3/daily ethereum for 2 days then it goes to 0.27 same when i switched to that always happened every time i add a new card.
now im on claymore+ethermine with 53 reported hash rate and i can not get more than 0.35 ether/daily

Nothing strange about this, as the difficulty increases earnings drop. Just look at the increase of difficulty over time
i understand what you mean but it drops 0.03 in 1 day?? and the calculator on showing for 53Mh/s 0.404 ether while i barely get 0.35 ethereum!!!
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July 07, 2016, 11:51:29 AM

i understand what you mean but it drops 0.03 in 1 day?? and the calculator on showing for 53Mh/s 0.404 ether while i barely get 0.35 ethereum!!!

Calculators are just for guidance because they always assume optimal conditions. Real life earnings depend on other factors, mainly the pool's luck finding blocks.

Therefore, it's absolutely normal to have real earnings a bit lower than those calculated by any simulation algorithm

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July 07, 2016, 11:57:28 AM

i understand what you mean but it drops 0.03 in 1 day?? and the calculator on showing for 53Mh/s 0.404 ether while i barely get 0.35 ethereum!!!

Calculators are just for guidance because they always assume optimal conditions. Real life earnings depend on other factors, mainly the pool's luck finding blocks.

Therefore, it's absolutely normal to have real earnings a bit lower than those calculated by any simulation algorithm
so you think 0.35 daily is fair for my 53Mh/s at the moment?? i really dont know. and is it the best claymore with ethermine or dwarf with my hashrate? or i should go smaller pool?
any suggestions. i really burnt trying Grin
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July 07, 2016, 12:07:08 PM

i understand what you mean but it drops 0.03 in 1 day?? and the calculator on showing for 53Mh/s 0.404 ether while i barely get 0.35 ethereum!!!

Calculators are just for guidance because they always assume optimal conditions. Real life earnings depend on other factors, mainly the pool's luck finding blocks.

Therefore, it's absolutely normal to have real earnings a bit lower than those calculated by any simulation algorithm
so you think 0.35 daily is fair for my 53Mh/s at the moment?? i really dont know. and is it the best claymore with ethermine or dwarf with my hashrate? or i should go smaller pool?
any suggestions. i really burnt trying Grin

I'm getting roughly the same with one of my rigs mining at that speed at ethermine pool. I left Dwarf's when they started having serious and systematic problems. A smaller pool is an increased risk because it can take two or three days to find a single block at that means you earn nothing during that period.

The choice between Claymore's or Genoil's depends also on your hardware, drivers, etc.

Finally, keep in mind that it won't make sense to compare today's result using Claymore's with the result's you got with Genoil's 3 or 4 days ago. In the meantime ETH difficulty increased and your earnings would have decreased regardless of the miner you used.

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