So jetzt wirds langsam spannend. Hab seit über einer Woche keinen Trade gemacht. Danke an Satoshi, dass das Halving am Wochenende ist.
Was denkt ihr? Wie weit gehts runter?
Die Welt ist im Wandel,
Ich spüre es im Wasser,
Ich spüre es in der Erde,
Ich rieche es in der Luft.
Vieles was einst war ist verloren,
da niemand mehr lebt, der sich erinnert.
Alles begann mit dem Schmieden der großen Ringe,
drei wurden den Menschen gegeben, unsterblich sie prägen die Geschichte, und die weisesten und reinsten aller Lebewesen.
Sieben den Wirtschaftsunternhmen, großen Bergleuten und geschickten Handwerkern, in ihren Hallen aus Stein.
Und neun, neun Ringe wurden den Politikern geschenkt,
die vor allem anderen nach Macht streben.
Denn diese Ringe bargen die Stärke und den Willen jedes Volk zu leiten.
Doch sie wurden alle betrogen !
Denn es wurde noch ein Ring gefertigt,
im Lande Mordor, im Feuer des Schicksalberges, schmiedete die Lobbyisten heimlich einen Meisterring,
um alle anderen zu beherrschen.
In diesen Ring floß seine Grausamkeit, seine Bosheit,
und sein Wille alles Leben zu unterdrücken.
Ein Ring sie zu knechten
Der Reihe nach gerieten die freien Länder der Welt unter die Herrschaft des Ringes.
Doch einige leisteten Widerstand.
Ein letztes Bündnis von Wirtschaft und Menschen zog in die Schlacht gegen Mordor, und kämpfte an den Hängen des Schicksalberges für die Freiheit der Welt.
Der Sieg war nahe, doch die Macht des Ringes konnte nicht gebrochen werden.
oder doch?
wie ging das aus? Ich sollte echt Politiker werden.
abschliessend fällt mri nur ein
„Würden die Menschen das Geldsystem verstehen, hätten wir eine Revolution noch vor morgen früh.“
Henry Ford
warum runter? der Finanz-Markt klappt am Freitag zusammen
Rendite der US Anleihen schmiert ab ist das, der Glaube bei den Behörden geht in eine andere Richtung
US Government Issues Call for Blockchain Healthcare Research
Stan Higgins | Published on July 6
"The paper should discuss the cryptography and underlying fundamentals of blockchain technology, examine how the use of blockchain can advance industry interoperability needs expressed in the Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap, patient centered outcomes research (PCOR), precision medicine, and other health care delivery needs, as well as provide recommendations for blockchain’s implementation." nachdem die Russen ihn erst verbieten wollten wegen der Kapitalflucht, merkten sie schnell das sie dann nicht mehr wettbewerbsfähig sind und siehe da, das kennen wir schon nur blockchain, später bitcoin und blockchain
was will man mehr
Publicly-Traded Bitcoin Fund XBT Provider Resumes Trading Following Acquisition by Global Advisors
July 06, 2016,
"In concert with what the firm achieved in commodities, we will follow the same pattern [by] explaining the investment thesis behind Bitcoin, providing a team with appropriate expertise and a series of vehicles fit for purpose," Masters said. "Global Advisors Bitcoin Investment Fund (GABI) is the only fully regulated Bitcoin investment fund targeting institutions and in adding XBT we are addressing the online retail and professional markets."
He further added that by using interfaces such as Interactive Brokers, Bitcoin exposure via XBT can be accessed in a single click in 179 countries.
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Bitcoin Price Compression Building Pressure
Bitcoin price is simmering just above $670 as the market waits for the Bitcoin network starter gun. Where to and what may happen in the chart before the block reward actually halves? This analysis is provided by with a 3-hour delay. Read the full analysis here. Not a member? Join now and receive
Strom klau in China
ich frag mich echt bei den News, was wollte ihr noch?
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The New Currency at the End of the World. Will Iceland’s Bitcoin Succeed?
Written by
Heathcote Ruthven
July 5, 2016
A sense that was made painfully clear by the 2008 financial crash. Between 2003 and 2007 the entire value of the Icelandic stock market multiplied nine times. Then, quite suddenly in 2008, the banks found they were worth six times Iceland’s GDP in debt, and the kroner fell by two-thirds in value. The economy crashed so hard and so fast that what this meant on the ground was not always clear. Statistically, Iceland was one of the worst effected countries in the world. Mortgages were junked and money became worthless abroad, but the Icelandic people were more confused than starving. I asked somebody at the time what was the most visible effect of the crash. “The libraries are full”, they replied.
‘Wealth’ became a nervous buzzword. Previous notions of the stuff were shown to be illusory. One philosophy student expressed a common sentiment: “we are like the people who win the lottery and really overestimate their wealth and in the end lose everything”. In response, optimistic new models of wealth were proposed. Heiða Kristín Helgadóttir, general secretary of a party of artists that won the 2010 mayoral elections, suggested that “artists are always wealthy, even if they never have any money. They run on some other fuel. Shouldn’t we learn from this?”
People were reading about what was going on elsewhere too – social movements from Occupy Wall Street to the indignados in Spain, new feminist approaches to the internet, the rise of cryptocurrencies – and they were making plans. The Auroracoin was born.
After the crash, the government initiated currency controls in order to stop everyone converting their Icelandic assets into more stable foreign currencies. In part to circumnavigate these restrictions, an anonymous coder released something called Auroracoin (AUR): a nation-based cryptocurrency designed so Icelanders could trade using cryptography to validate their transactions, rather than banks, and, therefore, circumvent pesky government controls. This works in a similar way to peer-to-peer downloading technology – the kind people use when they torrent movies – with all transactions being agreed upon in a giant public ledger called the block chain, a sort of great big account book in the sky. Having a decentralised yet omnipotent system like this means, in theory, that no bank need extract rent for transactions and no government monitor who is doing them.