https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bead (*duck und weg*)
Beads are thought to be one of the earliest forms of trade between members of the human race. It is thought that bead trading was one of the reasons why humans developed language.[7] Beads are said to have been used and traded for most of our history. The oldest beads found to date were at Blombos Cave, about 72,000 years old, and at Ksar Akil[8] in Lebanon, about 40,000 years old.
Zum Wohl:
Nachtrag vom 13.05.2020 21:56: Blockchain entspricht einer Perlenkette aus beads und 24(h) beads entspricht 24h/d globalem freien Handel. Wermutstropfen: mit Glasperlen können "Wilde" vom "Zivilisierten" betrogen werden. Nichtsdestotrotz, das Positive überwiegt. "Ein Zeichen, ein Zeichen ..."