OK 53 isn't a big number so it's not what I was considering may be the cause.
The other two numbers there are not big yet either
SZ=185303 RSS=388892
if you have a sizeable number of devices on your rig (your options suggest 6 GPU devices? Are any of them dual?)
My rig has only 4 devices and it reads:
SZ=151618 RSS=127032
(and yes I use the code also from my GIT except I don't enable Bitforce being compiled in, I only add Icarus at the moment)
However, in my case it doesn't run rampant later on.
Definitely getting nowhere with this so far looking at the system process info.
How often does BAMT request status info from the API? And what API requests does it use? (I don't know exactly)
I guess if there was some accidental fast loop missing a delay accessing the API over and over again that might cause issues?
My monitoring in my current setup is a set of 3 API requests every 10 seconds, but in my previous configuration (same code and hardware a week ago) I also added on top of that another 1 API request every second - but that didn't cause extra RAM usage.
I guess I'll defer to the expert (ckolivas)
Going idle can be for two reasons, as you suggested if GPUMax isn't providing you with any work, but of course the normal reason is as ckolivas said, if your setting are too high.
Are those temp settings and clock settings in any way high for your GPU's?
(The numbers themselves don't seem high for many cards - but I guess that depends on what the cards are - and if they are old and no longer stable if OC'd)
Do you ever get any status change on any of the GPU's? (i.e. not Alive)
Oddly enough I am working on a notification Java app that uses the API that might help monitor this problem (that comment above about 3 API every 10 seconds - summary,devs,pools) if it is temp/clock related
(The code already done would be enough)
But I've been expending a lot of effort on threading the data handling part of it (and probably making it too complex) to ensure that blocking code is in threads unrelated to time sensitive code (and then there's the issue of RAM usage in Java that I need to resolve next ...)
So I seem to be talking way longer than I expected to get even a beta out