Activity: 417
Merit: 0
July 11, 2018, 05:10:40 PM |
It is not important at all, but if you are interested: Core 1560/950 Mem 1100/875 - Fast/4100+ Core 1668/1150 Mem 1100/900 - Heavy/1700+ win10-64bit-radeon-software-adrenalin-edition-18.6.1-june13
thx. NICE. 875mv only... heavy HR is many power use 12 card in heavy?
Activity: 115
Merit: 0
July 11, 2018, 05:18:27 PM |
It is not important at all, but if you are interested: Core 1560/950 Mem 1100/875 - Fast/4100+ Core 1668/1150 Mem 1100/900 - Heavy/1700+ win10-64bit-radeon-software-adrenalin-edition-18.6.1-june13
thx. NICE. 875mv only... heavy HR is many power use 12 card in heavy? Дa... Power target (%) = 0
Activity: 417
Merit: 0
July 11, 2018, 05:26:33 PM |
It is not important at all, but if you are interested: Core 1560/950 Mem 1100/875 - Fast/4100+ Core 1668/1150 Mem 1100/900 - Heavy/1700+ win10-64bit-radeon-software-adrenalin-edition-18.6.1-june13
thx. NICE. 875mv only... heavy HR is many power use 12 card in heavy? Дa... Power target (%) = 0 from the wall?
Activity: 70
Merit: 0
July 11, 2018, 05:58:31 PM |
ASUS RX580 8GB Micron Memory with Adrenalin 18.6.1 on Win10 x64 with 1200MHz Core and 2200MHz Mem Clock with no undervolting on basically any intensity (default is 52, i tested also 50 to 60) the miner crashes, or to be more precise the GPU crashes. The same settings are stable for any other miner, including Claymore, Phoenix, castxmr, xmr-stak and many others. I also tried different pools and coins, same result. Current config looks like this: "cryptonight_type" : "alloy", "intensity" : 0, "double_threads" : true,
Any idea what i might do wrong?

Activity: 76
Merit: 10
July 11, 2018, 06:32:09 PM |
I had this on my rx 480 ....try single thread
doktor83 (OP)
July 11, 2018, 06:36:55 PM |
fast algo is HARD. and you card or powersuply not work more than 10 min withz 16680mhz/1100. this is it. You fan work with 100% and after 10 min HBC mem broken and reset. i see your temp. 2 card have 60+C more(on heavy) . and this is problem. 1 gpu HBC broken and rig go in reset put gpu down and try. stop ask .on this topic nobody have 12 vega in 1 rig(and we are not talking about vega Liquid) .and nobody help you. you have to find a solution and then divide them with us
how many HR in FAST? i have 4050-4100. you 5000?- and how much electricity do you have?
and you not wrtite any. I not see gpu mhz/mv and mem mhz/mv.
It is not important at all, but if you are interested: Core 1560/950 Mem 1100/875 - Fast/4100+ Core 1668/1150 Mem 1100/900 - Heavy/1700+ win10-64bit-radeon-software-adrenalin-edition-18.6.1-june13 Maybe its a stupid idea but try 18.3.4 drivers if you want
doktor83 (OP)
July 11, 2018, 07:22:02 PM |
ASUS RX580 8GB Micron Memory with Adrenalin 18.6.1 on Win10 x64 with 1200MHz Core and 2200MHz Mem Clock with no undervolting on basically any intensity (default is 52, i tested also 50 to 60) the miner crashes, or to be more precise the GPU crashes. The same settings are stable for any other miner, including Claymore, Phoenix, castxmr, xmr-stak and many others. I also tried different pools and coins, same result. Current config looks like this: "cryptonight_type" : "alloy", "intensity" : 0, "double_threads" : true,
Any idea what i might do wrong?
This is normal as alloy is heavier than heavy , so lower your intensity if you want to use 2 threads.
doktor83 (OP)
July 11, 2018, 07:28:33 PM |
Next version (soon) will make some of you guys happy : full cmd line setup for gpu's and pool, so everything can be setup in bat (almost everything). Yes i know you are asking for this a long time ago, but now the time has come  Also something that could improve effective hashrate, i saw some of you have 'huge' differences in miner displayed hashrate / effective hashrate, this is probably because of the way SRB handles stale shares. More info soon 
July 11, 2018, 08:07:57 PM |
Next version (soon) will make some of you guys happy : full cmd line setup for gpu's and pool, so everything can be setup in bat (almost everything). Yes i know you are asking for this a long time ago, but now the time has come  Also something that could improve effective hashrate, i saw some of you have 'huge' differences in miner displayed hashrate / effective hashrate, this is probably because of the way SRB handles stale shares. More info soon  It's GOOD!!! Waiting....
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
July 11, 2018, 08:52:51 PM |
hello My windows was updated after this my gpus stop working after this i install all drivers again and after this when i run miner all my gpus names are Vega Frontier Edition ( i got one Vega and 4 RX series cards ) When i disable Vega and Leave only RX and run miner name of Gpu are RX series , when i enable all gpus and run again , name are same for all gpus Vega and RX series
Activity: 417
Merit: 0
July 11, 2018, 10:29:26 PM |
hello My windows was updated after this my gpus stop working after this i install all drivers again and after this when i run miner all my gpus names are Vega Frontier Edition ( i got one Vega and 4 RX series cards ) When i disable Vega and Leave only RX and run miner name of Gpu are RX series , when i enable all gpus and run again , name are same for all gpus Vega and RX series in REGEDITComputer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000and go on right and find DRIVERDESCin this key you see your GPU name or see 687F:C0(vega64) or 687F:C1(vega56) i dont have rx580 and i dont now name in registri for him. Just rename this in etc VEGA 64 FRONTIER 1 and go on : Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0001and rename other card...... VEGA 64 FRONTIER 2 -3-4-5-6

Activity: 340
Merit: 29
July 11, 2018, 10:55:47 PM |
It is not important at all, but if you are interested: Core 1560/950 Mem 1100/875 - Fast/4100+ Core 1668/1150 Mem 1100/900 - Heavy/1700+ win10-64bit-radeon-software-adrenalin-edition-18.6.1-june13
thx. NICE. 875mv only... heavy HR is many power use 12 card in heavy? Дa... Power target (%) = 0 That 1150 for heavy is producing a lot of heat - I could see that getting temps up to 65ish. Maybe your 950 setting for fast isn't being honored. Have you checked (in something like HWInfo64) that your cards are actually running at 950mV? Btw, I run Nitro 64s (air) at 1565 core, 1180 mem @ 920mV and get 1630H/s @ 160W for heavy (diff miner tho.) Unless your power is free, and you don't care about the longevity of your cards, you might want to consider whether the extra 230mV is worth the additional 70+ H/s (it's clearly not, from an efficiency standpoint.) And the 875 setting on mem is inconsequential - it is simply a floor for core frequency. Mem is always running at a fixed voltage unless you changed the bios.

Activity: 80
Merit: 13
July 12, 2018, 12:03:38 AM |
How do you guys mine coins like alloy, i did for a while, it drops in value insanely fast. its profitable instantaneosuly when sold  mine/ auto sell in exchange to something else?

Activity: 160
Merit: 10
July 12, 2018, 01:36:48 AM |
Can you easily switch between Heavy and V7 or do you need different config settings?
doktor83 (OP)
July 12, 2018, 05:05:54 AM Last edit: July 12, 2018, 05:48:24 AM by doktor83 |
V1.6.4 - Added possibility/support to set GPU'S with cmd parameters directly in start.bat - Added parameter --sendallstales , which enables sending of every stale share - Minor bug fixes
+ So command line setup of GPU'S is finally here. Here are the parameters that can be used:
--ccryptonighttype value (algo to use) --cgpuid value (gpu id, comma separated values, use --listdevices to see available) --cgpuintensity value (gpu intensity, comma separated values) --cgputhreads value (number of gpu threads, comma separated values) --cgpuworksize value (gpu worksize, comma separated values) --cgputargettemperature value (gpu temperature, comma separated values) --cgputargetfanspeed value (gpu fan speed in RPM, comma separated values) --cgpuadltype value (gpu adl to use (1 or 2), comma separated values) --cgpukernel value (gpu kernel to use (1 or 2), comma separated values)
Parameters : --cgpuid, --cgpuintensity and --cgputhreads MUST BE USED, the others are optional If you want to set everything in cmd line, you still need to have an empty config.txt file (which contains just : {}, or any other parameter like api etc etc )
Ex. for GPU and POOL setup from CMD:
Use 1 GPU with id 0 , intensity 120, 2 threads on algo cryptonight v7 on nanopool: SRBMiner-CN.exe --ccryptonighttype normalv7 --cgpuid 0 --cgpuintensity 120 --cgputhreads 2 --cpool --cwallet 4A5hJyu2FvuM2azexYssHW2odrNCNWVqLLmzCowrA57xGJLNufXfzVgcMpAy3YWpzZSAPALhVH4Ed7x o6RZYyw2bUtbm12g.donation
Use 5 GPUS with id 0,1,2,3,4 , intensities 56,56,55,58,55, 2 threads for each GPU, on algo cryptonight v7 on nanopool: SRBMiner-CN.exe --ccryptonighttype normalv7 --cgpuid 0,1,2,3,4 --cgpuintensity 56,56,55,58,55 --cgputhreads 2,2,2,2,2 --cpool --cwallet 4A5hJyu2FvuM2azexYssHW2odrNCNWVqLLmzCowrA57xGJLNufXfzVgcMpAy3YWpzZSAPALhVH4Ed7x o6RZYyw2bUtbm12g.donation
+ --sendallstales is now a default parameter in start.bat When a new job arrives to the miner, and a result from a previous job is sent to the pool, this is called a stale share. A low percent of pools accepts stale shares, they generally reject the share with an 'Invalid job id' error. Now in SRB i made this logic : if a new job arrives, a share for a previous job is not sent IF it's not sent in a period less than a second since the new job arrived. It looks like some pools accept stale shares even for a few seconds after a new job was dispatched. This parameter turns off the 1 second rule, and sends every stale share there is. This could potentially lead to an increase in effective share rate, but also you can get a lot more rejected shares, it all depends on the pool you are using.
Oh yeah, you can also get shares rejected when a pool switch/reconnect/job timeout happens, in situations where the pool difficulty is low and you produce a lot of shares, but in the process of doing the calculations (which can take 1-2 sec depending on your hardware) the connection to the pool drops, these share are tried to be sent while you are not logged on the pool, so you will get now a nice warning that a network error has occured and your shares wont be sent.

Activity: 364
Merit: 16
July 12, 2018, 08:29:01 AM |
V1.6.4 - Added possibility/support to set GPU'S with cmd parameters directly in start.bat - Added parameter --sendallstales , which enables sending of every stale share - Minor bug fixes
+ So command line setup of GPU'S is finally here. Here are the parameters that can be used:
--ccryptonighttype value (algo to use) --cgpuid value (gpu id, comma separated values, use --listdevices to see available) --cgpuintensity value (gpu intensity, comma separated values) --cgputhreads value (number of gpu threads, comma separated values) --cgpuworksize value (gpu worksize, comma separated values) --cgputargettemperature value (gpu temperature, comma separated values) --cgputargetfanspeed value (gpu fan speed in RPM, comma separated values) --cgpuadltype value (gpu adl to use (1 or 2), comma separated values) --cgpukernel value (gpu kernel to use (1 or 2), comma separated values)
Parameters : --cgpuid, --cgpuintensity and --cgputhreads MUST BE USED, the others are optional If you want to set everything in cmd line, you still need to have an empty config.txt file (which contains just : {}, or any other parameter like api etc etc )
Ex. for GPU and POOL setup from CMD:
Use 1 GPU with id 0 , intensity 120, 2 threads on algo cryptonight v7 on nanopool: SRBMiner-CN.exe --ccryptonighttype normalv7 --cgpuid 0 --cgpuintensity 120 --cgputhreads 2 --cpool --cwallet 4A5hJyu2FvuM2azexYssHW2odrNCNWVqLLmzCowrA57xGJLNufXfzVgcMpAy3YWpzZSAPALhVH4Ed7x o6RZYyw2bUtbm12g.donation
Use 5 GPUS with id 0,1,2,3,4 , intensities 56,56,55,58,55, 2 threads for each GPU, on algo cryptonight v7 on nanopool: SRBMiner-CN.exe --ccryptonighttype normalv7 --cgpuid 0,1,2,3,4 --cgpuintensity 56,56,55,58,55 --cgputhreads 2,2,2,2,2 --cpool --cwallet 4A5hJyu2FvuM2azexYssHW2odrNCNWVqLLmzCowrA57xGJLNufXfzVgcMpAy3YWpzZSAPALhVH4Ed7x o6RZYyw2bUtbm12g.donation
+ --sendallstales is now a default parameter in start.bat When a new job arrives to the miner, and a result from a previous job is sent to the pool, this is called a stale share. A low percent of pools accepts stale shares, they generally reject the share with an 'Invalid job id' error. Now in SRB i made this logic : if a new job arrives, a share for a previous job is not sent IF it's not sent in a period less than a second since the new job arrived. It looks like some pools accept stale shares even for a few seconds after a new job was dispatched. This parameter turns off the 1 second rule, and sends every stale share there is. This could potentially lead to an increase in effective share rate, but also you can get a lot more rejected shares, it all depends on the pool you are using.
Oh yeah, you can also get shares rejected when a pool switch/reconnect/job timeout happens, in situations where the pool difficulty is low and you produce a lot of shares, but in the process of doing the calculations (which can take 1-2 sec depending on your hardware) the connection to the pool drops, these share are tried to be sent while you are not logged on the pool, so you will get now a nice warning that a network error has occured and your shares wont be sent.
with empty config.txt (only {}) SRBMiner-CN.exe --ccryptonighttype normalv7 --cgpuid 0 --cgpuintensity 120 --cgputhreads 2 --cpool --cwallet xxxxxxxxxxxxxx = invalid config file. Missing Value is "cryptonighttype" after putting the cryptotype in the config -> missing Value is "Intensity"
July 12, 2018, 08:31:11 AM |
V1.6.4 - Added possibility/support to set GPU'S with cmd parameters directly in start.bat - Added parameter --sendallstales , which enables sending of every stale share - Minor bug fixes
+ So command line setup of GPU'S is finally here. Here are the parameters that can be used:
--ccryptonighttype value (algo to use) --cgpuid value (gpu id, comma separated values, use --listdevices to see available) --cgpuintensity value (gpu intensity, comma separated values) --cgputhreads value (number of gpu threads, comma separated values) --cgpuworksize value (gpu worksize, comma separated values) --cgputargettemperature value (gpu temperature, comma separated values) --cgputargetfanspeed value (gpu fan speed in RPM, comma separated values) --cgpuadltype value (gpu adl to use (1 or 2), comma separated values) --cgpukernel value (gpu kernel to use (1 or 2), comma separated values)
Parameters : --cgpuid, --cgpuintensity and --cgputhreads MUST BE USED, the others are optional If you want to set everything in cmd line, you still need to have an empty config.txt file (which contains just : {}, or any other parameter like api etc etc )
Ex. for GPU and POOL setup from CMD:
Use 1 GPU with id 0 , intensity 120, 2 threads on algo cryptonight v7 on nanopool: SRBMiner-CN.exe --ccryptonighttype normalv7 --cgpuid 0 --cgpuintensity 120 --cgputhreads 2 --cpool --cwallet 4A5hJyu2FvuM2azexYssHW2odrNCNWVqLLmzCowrA57xGJLNufXfzVgcMpAy3YWpzZSAPALhVH4Ed7x o6RZYyw2bUtbm12g.donation
Use 5 GPUS with id 0,1,2,3,4 , intensities 56,56,55,58,55, 2 threads for each GPU, on algo cryptonight v7 on nanopool: SRBMiner-CN.exe --ccryptonighttype normalv7 --cgpuid 0,1,2,3,4 --cgpuintensity 56,56,55,58,55 --cgputhreads 2,2,2,2,2 --cpool --cwallet 4A5hJyu2FvuM2azexYssHW2odrNCNWVqLLmzCowrA57xGJLNufXfzVgcMpAy3YWpzZSAPALhVH4Ed7x o6RZYyw2bUtbm12g.donation
+ --sendallstales is now a default parameter in start.bat When a new job arrives to the miner, and a result from a previous job is sent to the pool, this is called a stale share. A low percent of pools accepts stale shares, they generally reject the share with an 'Invalid job id' error. Now in SRB i made this logic : if a new job arrives, a share for a previous job is not sent IF it's not sent in a period less than a second since the new job arrived. It looks like some pools accept stale shares even for a few seconds after a new job was dispatched. This parameter turns off the 1 second rule, and sends every stale share there is. This could potentially lead to an increase in effective share rate, but also you can get a lot more rejected shares, it all depends on the pool you are using.
Oh yeah, you can also get shares rejected when a pool switch/reconnect/job timeout happens, in situations where the pool difficulty is low and you produce a lot of shares, but in the process of doing the calculations (which can take 1-2 sec depending on your hardware) the connection to the pool drops, these share are tried to be sent while you are not logged on the pool, so you will get now a nice warning that a network error has occured and your shares wont be sent.
with empty config.txt (only {}) SRBMiner-CN.exe --ccryptonighttype normalv7 --cgpuid 0 --cgpuintensity 120 --cgputhreads 2 --cpool --cwallet xxxxxxxxxxxxxx = invalid config file. Missing Value is "cryptonighttype" after putting the cryptotype in the config -> missing Value is "Intensity" Tried without a config file at all?
Art Gar
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
July 12, 2018, 08:57:40 AM |
V1.6.4 - Added possibility/support to set GPU'S with cmd parameters directly in start.bat - Added parameter --sendallstales , which enables sending of every stale share - Minor bug fixes
+ So command line setup of GPU'S is finally here. Here are the parameters that can be used:
--ccryptonighttype value (algo to use) --cgpuid value (gpu id, comma separated values, use --listdevices to see available) --cgpuintensity value (gpu intensity, comma separated values) --cgputhreads value (number of gpu threads, comma separated values) --cgpuworksize value (gpu worksize, comma separated values) --cgputargettemperature value (gpu temperature, comma separated values) --cgputargetfanspeed value (gpu fan speed in RPM, comma separated values) --cgpuadltype value (gpu adl to use (1 or 2), comma separated values) --cgpukernel value (gpu kernel to use (1 or 2), comma separated values)
Parameters : --cgpuid, --cgpuintensity and --cgputhreads MUST BE USED, the others are optional If you want to set everything in cmd line, you still need to have an empty config.txt file (which contains just : {}, or any other parameter like api etc etc )
Ex. for GPU and POOL setup from CMD:
Use 1 GPU with id 0 , intensity 120, 2 threads on algo cryptonight v7 on nanopool: SRBMiner-CN.exe --ccryptonighttype normalv7 --cgpuid 0 --cgpuintensity 120 --cgputhreads 2 --cpool --cwallet 4A5hJyu2FvuM2azexYssHW2odrNCNWVqLLmzCowrA57xGJLNufXfzVgcMpAy3YWpzZSAPALhVH4Ed7x o6RZYyw2bUtbm12g.donation
Use 5 GPUS with id 0,1,2,3,4 , intensities 56,56,55,58,55, 2 threads for each GPU, on algo cryptonight v7 on nanopool: SRBMiner-CN.exe --ccryptonighttype normalv7 --cgpuid 0,1,2,3,4 --cgpuintensity 56,56,55,58,55 --cgputhreads 2,2,2,2,2 --cpool --cwallet 4A5hJyu2FvuM2azexYssHW2odrNCNWVqLLmzCowrA57xGJLNufXfzVgcMpAy3YWpzZSAPALhVH4Ed7x o6RZYyw2bUtbm12g.donation
+ --sendallstales is now a default parameter in start.bat When a new job arrives to the miner, and a result from a previous job is sent to the pool, this is called a stale share. A low percent of pools accepts stale shares, they generally reject the share with an 'Invalid job id' error. Now in SRB i made this logic : if a new job arrives, a share for a previous job is not sent IF it's not sent in a period less than a second since the new job arrived. It looks like some pools accept stale shares even for a few seconds after a new job was dispatched. This parameter turns off the 1 second rule, and sends every stale share there is. This could potentially lead to an increase in effective share rate, but also you can get a lot more rejected shares, it all depends on the pool you are using.
Oh yeah, you can also get shares rejected when a pool switch/reconnect/job timeout happens, in situations where the pool difficulty is low and you produce a lot of shares, but in the process of doing the calculations (which can take 1-2 sec depending on your hardware) the connection to the pool drops, these share are tried to be sent while you are not logged on the pool, so you will get now a nice warning that a network error has occured and your shares wont be sent.
with empty config.txt (only {}) SRBMiner-CN.exe --ccryptonighttype normalv7 --cgpuid 0 --cgpuintensity 120 --cgputhreads 2 --cpool --cwallet xxxxxxxxxxxxxx = invalid config file. Missing Value is "cryptonighttype" after putting the cryptotype in the config -> missing Value is "Intensity" Try this, maybe "" missed. SRBMiner-CN.exe --ccryptonighttype "normalv7"
doktor83 (OP)
July 12, 2018, 09:07:21 AM |
with empty config.txt (only {}) SRBMiner-CN.exe --ccryptonighttype normalv7 --cgpuid 0 --cgpuintensity 120 --cgputhreads 2 --cpool --cwallet xxxxxxxxxxxxxx = invalid config file. Missing Value is "cryptonighttype" after putting the cryptotype in the config -> missing Value is "Intensity"
config.txt { }
start.bat setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_MAX_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_MAX_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 @echo off cd %~dp0 cls SRBMiner-CN.exe --gpureorder --logfile log.txt --sendallstales --ccryptonighttype normalv7 --cgpuid 0,1,2,3,4 --cgpuintensity 55,55,55,58,55 --cgputhreads 2,2,2,2,2 --cpool --cwallet xxxxxxx
Works. Just tried it.