May 19, 2016, 09:12:21 AM |
Great. I hope someone writes a nice webapp for mobiles that uses the same API to (only) get stats. ATM I use internal server but it is Windows only, and I wish to go Linux completely.
Try to use wine - what problem?
May 19, 2016, 09:24:42 AM |
is this purple +_+ temp/fan line detachable? IMHO the miner should concentrate on mining and not adopt Afterburner's job. I find it much better if there would be a status line wich informs how many shares each card found the last hour and/or overall.
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
May 19, 2016, 09:56:21 AM |
Great. I hope someone writes a nice webapp for mobiles that uses the same API to (only) get stats. ATM I use internal server but it is Windows only, and I wish to go Linux completely.
I could make an application for the "Android". But we need to API from the author. Also, access to the API must be via a password.
Claymore (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1325
Miners developer
May 19, 2016, 09:59:09 AM |
Hey claymore... I noticed the epools.txt & dpools.txt ... the commas are used as delimiters for parsing.
This caused a problem w/ the PSW setting, one of the pools I mine on takes commas as worker config parameters. Any chance they can be escaped in the epools/dpools file somehow?
Ok, I will add it in next update.
May 19, 2016, 10:28:32 AM |
Great. I hope someone writes a nice webapp for mobiles that uses the same API to (only) get stats. ATM I use internal server but it is Windows only, and I wish to go Linux completely.
Try to use wine - what problem? This makes using Linux for mining meaningless. I use diskless machines with minimum resources with no GUI at all and control them via ssh. I also see no reason to run Wine just to expose few lines of stats :-) I could make an application for the "Android". But we need to API from the author. Also, access to the API must be via a password. API was actually explained few posts above, it's just JSON via TCP. But I would prefer not an application for Android but simple web app usable everywhere (iOS, Android, anything else). Actually what is exposed is enough, but the author writes miner, not UI. So maybe someone else... BTW, I've just got the idea to add few lines to my OpenHAB smarthome configuration. Then I can fetch stats by JSON and expose them in OpenHAB UI. It will be the simplest way for me. It also eliminates the need for password. But for the case you mentioned there is an option to provide stats only (using negative port number). I don't mind if someone will see some stats of some miner. But if he will not be able to alter config, all will be OK. is this purple +_+ temp/fan line detachable? IMHO the miner should concentrate on mining and not adopt Afterburner's job. I find it much better if there would be a status line wich informs how many shares each card found the last hour and/or overall. I found the -tt switch very useful on Linux. So if that is free for us - then easier to use less programs if possible. Anyway, it is already implemented. The log details that's another issue.
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
May 19, 2016, 02:06:15 PM |
How does the remote monitor work? I work during the day and would really like to see these rigs with temps from work.
U need dedicated IP for this, unfirewalled/forwarded port 3333 to ur computer (rig). And copy RM to work pc, enter home ip and u can see how it work. Is there a step by step tutorial to use the remote manager?
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
May 19, 2016, 02:55:25 PM |
Ok, I will add it in next update.
Description "API" will be available, or itself through "wireshark" look? Just need the ability to monitor under Linux and Android.
May 19, 2016, 03:57:17 PM |
This makes using Linux for mining meaningless. I use diskless machines with minimum resources with no GUI at all and control them via ssh. I also see no reason to run Wine just to expose few lines of stats :-)
Prog name "REMOTE manager", so install or run with wine on REMOTE PC. If u can use ssh to contrl rigs - u can use RM under Wine/windows.
Claymore (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1325
Miners developer
May 19, 2016, 04:01:53 PM |
Ok, I will add it in next update.
Description "API" will be available, or itself through "wireshark" look? Just need the ability to monitor under Linux and Android. The format is very simple, so no documentation for now, use wireshark.
May 19, 2016, 04:41:57 PM |
Claymore, can we point EthDcrMiner64.exe to any config file or does it have to be named config.txt
For example use a .bat with EthDcrMiner64.exe this_is_my_config.txt
like sgminer can do with .conf files.
May 19, 2016, 05:18:54 PM |
Ok, so I have 2 x AMD 290 cards and can't get it to work. Does anyone have a config/command line argument for that setup? I'll happily donate a Decred or two.
Claymore (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1325
Miners developer
May 19, 2016, 05:25:08 PM |
Claymore, can we point EthDcrMiner64.exe to any config file or does it have to be named config.txt For example use a .bat with EthDcrMiner64.exe this_is_my_config.txt like sgminer can do with .conf files.
Currently it must be named "config.txt". In next update I will improve it so you will be able to point it to any filename.
May 19, 2016, 06:02:53 PM |
Ok, so I have 2 x AMD 290 cards and can't get it to work. Does anyone have a config/command line argument for that setup? I'll happily donate a Decred or two.
Nothing specific to your cards. What's the problem ? What's your config ?
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1080
---- winter*juvia -----
May 19, 2016, 06:50:32 PM |
Hi Claymore,
All my rigs are now on the RM utility and running v4.3 - looking good this and RM currently running on a spare PC within the network.
When I am away, I can monitor and manage the rigs via Teamviewer for now, while I upgrade my router and do the port-mapping.
Questions: 1. will the RM use some color scheme to warn me of GPU passing teh temp threshold. Eg. turn amber when reaching threshold and and red when breached. 2. is there a limit or maximum number, of how many miner entries can the utility handle? 3. so far PC is just a small Atom mini PC, is there a minimum specs for larger farms, ie. 10, 20 rigs and beyond? 4. can you add rig parameters like, CPU, RAM, GPU type etc.
Thanks and well done on v4.3
If I provided you good and useful info or just a smile to your day, consider sending me merit points to further validate this Bitcointalk account ~ useful for future account recovery...
May 19, 2016, 07:33:28 PM |
4. can you add rig parameters like, CPU, RAM, GPU type etc.
haha... new bot-net soon will be created? if rig urs - u know rig configs.
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
May 19, 2016, 07:38:46 PM |
Thanks to Claymore for new version! I have some feature request if it possible. It will be good to doesn't exit miner if -tstop is exceeded, but switch off specific GPU with overheat from mining like sgminer does.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
May 19, 2016, 07:43:33 PM |
Claymore, Why does your miner produces a low hash rate of Ethereum in single mode, compared to dual mining?
Full Member
Activity: 147
Merit: 100
RevolverCoin Team
May 19, 2016, 08:05:30 PM |
Really nice software, thanks Claymore! A lot more stable than stock miner. Watchdog is also awesome - helps a lot with driver crashes.
Claymore (OP)
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1325
Miners developer
May 19, 2016, 08:15:45 PM |
Thanks to Claymore for new version! I have some feature request if it possible. It will be good to doesn't exit miner if -tstop is exceeded, but switch off specific GPU with overheat from mining like sgminer does.
Ok, I will do it. Claymore, Why does your miner produces a low hash rate of Ethereum in single mode, compared to dual mining?
The reason is memory accessing/caching. When all GPU threads are accessing memory by random addresses at the same time it causes some overload. When some threads are busy with Decred and don't access memory, overload is less and other threads can get required data a bit faster. Because there is no way to freeze some threads I cannot use this behaviour to improve mining speed in Ethereum-only mode.
Activity: 2193
Merit: 1401
May 19, 2016, 08:16:19 PM |
Claymore can you format your json output with key value pairs? Current output is very hard to parse and get individual values. {"id": 0, "result": ["4.3", "8", "93479;11;0", "18352;18914;18191;18809;19210", "0;0;0", "0;0;0;0;0", "67;53;66;50;66;48;56;61;60;56", "us1.ethpool.org:3333"], "error": null} something like result.eth_mh would be great to get just the hashrate value for example. Also someone that know curl explain why telnet localhost 3333 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"miner_getstat1"} works to get a response, but curl -i -X POST --data '{"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"miner_getstat1"}' http://localhost:3333does not work? Im not that great with curl so not sure if I formatted that request right.